Sunday, March 20, 2022

4 Sea if by Land


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Former or current FBI operative, Hal Turner had a most interesting post that Rense shared, which was from the featured propaganda media on television in Russia, and the map they were discussing this time was the securing of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuanai and a Swedish Island in the Baltic Sea. Refererences were to invading eastern Poland, but that seems a bit of a reach, even if that is what Rense was being told by his sources that Poland would be a buffer zone for Russia.

If one recalls the fake MI6 British invasion map of Ukraine which they said came from Russia, it has since been proven a fraud like all things British as the Russians did not follow that map. This Russian media map is of interest as this Lame Cherry pointed out in reviewing the Belarussian President giving a briefing on Ukraine had America and Canada featured in the attack zone.

This map is reasoned, including the acquiring of the largest island in the Baltic Sea, Gotland. Gotland is strategic as it will cut off all sea efforts by NATO to Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland and threaten Germany and the the Lowlands.

Gotland will transform the Baltic into a Russian Sea as it is the ultimate blockade point like Gibraltar. 

As Russia would secure Estonia's Hiumea and Saaremea Islands, the entire sea lanes would be shut.

The real fuck the pooch in this has been Lithuania which was involved in Russiagate with Ukraine and has been moving arms into Ukraine. The reason Lithuania has been a sore spot for Russia is because Russia has an isolated and settlement. off Lithuania which Poland and Lithuania have been threatening by their actions. Russia will not accept this, and more to the point, London knew damn certain that Russia would not accept this and it is why this area is an issue.

The Russians as this blot noted have become vulnerable by the Ukraine gambit. It is now an exposed position. It is necessary then for Russia to secure it's communications. Of what is interesting in this, Russia has chosen to secure the sea lane communications first and not the land bridge to Serbia. Serbia has assisted in this in notifying the world that Serbia like Turkey will remain neutral. 

In assessing the finding of ManPads to kill Russians in Ukraine and from an east European source, logic would dictate that the culprit was Lithuania, and this would provide Russia an avenue to carry out the above order of battle. This area must be secured at sometime and Russia  removing the Baltic States and squatting in Poland would send the diplomacy Russia desires to communicate to Germany to come to terms. Those terms are to remove the trouble making nuclear Americans, which in turn Russia will remove itself from all lands which will then be forced to be non NATO neutral, meaning Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. This is a sound strategy, providing some 1%er does not have Zellinskyy start nuclear Word War and try to blame the Russians.

The basis of this strategy is to secure the Russian frontier and place direct leverage on Germany, Hungary, the Czechs, with pressuring Romania, and making available opening communications with Serbia and the Balkans. Again like Ukraine before invasion, this places Russia in a sound military doctrine of a secure front while being adequately protected. NATO can not marshal forces sufficient in naval, air or ground forces to attack this projection.

Thee only limitations on this is Russia has not called up sufficient military strength to initiate an operation as this stands. Ukraine would not be secure as of this time, and it would require another 150,000 troops for an operation as this.

In contrast, the Russian invaders have displayed a host of weaknesses: flawed planning; overly optimistic intelligence projections about how the conflict would play out; underestimation of the Ukrainian forces and people; inadequate maintenance and logistics; unimpressive equipment; a reliance on conscripts and an inability to mount effective cyberwarfare.

Those though who are celebrating Russian weakness, do not factor in that this may provide the advent for China, being now bullied by Rainbow Blinken to engage in it's own non conventional military progression, not in Taiwan but elsewhere.

If one was stupid in the above American general Patreaus quote, one missed the word CONSCRIPTS. These are 150,000 conscripts who have not been defeated, who are stationed in TRAINING to allow the Nazis to flee from Ukraine and infect Poland and other Western Nations with their violence. As this is a training exercise for CONSCRIPTS, one must understand that Ukraine is feckless in it's fleeing military, hired MERCs and that somewhere in the Russian armed forces are lurking real crack divisions who will go through an enemy like shit through a goose.

This is nothing to celebrate. In strategy, Russia would not desire to appear too blitzkrieg or a real war would start. It is better for Russia that this Jew Zellinskyy be the best propagandist for Russia in stating now like Patreaus that the Russians are nothing to fear.

Syria proved Russia is a very sound military that struck terror into the Jews and Americans in that fight as the Russian WON with deploying regulars.

The best projection in this is, that the ManPads of Ukraine came from Lithuania, which is going to be as a reasoned defense thrust by Russia to deploy the above order of battle. It is sound. As there are not troops being moved or called up, perhaps this would indicate a China diversion, or the Russians are in projections to deal with Ukraine in making NATO succumb or the coming defeat of Ukraine, and then that force would be freed to deal with this above scenario.

The Russians have not underestimated Ukrainians. 1/10th of the population has fled. Little girls are not charging tanks with gas bombs as Zellinskyy demanded them to. The Ukrainian military has vanished and what is left are hired CIA MI6 MERCS who are murderers.

It is the actions not of Russia, but the West Wokesters which will initiate the above battle map. Russia has won Ukraine as no one is stopping them and everyone is terrified of Russia from Poland to the Pentagon. That is the reality.

Nuff Said

