Sunday, March 20, 2022

Legacy of a Booger Picker

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK, I have no idea how I got to this page. Am trying to think, oh yeah it was ALIPAC was listing it's friends and Rush Limbaugh was RIPPED there so I clicked to see if the site was up and there it was with that Kathryn taking center stage.

As I was looking at the java script ads, one caught my attention some foundation site for Hudson the Third. That puzzled me too, as what are the legalities involved that the estate has to spin off another official Rush Limbaugh site?

Whatever the reason, we now have Kathryn Adams Limbaugh running things for the Limbaugh Legacy, donating things and I don't know what all, but when I clicked on this link, I just was creeped out.

OK so Kathryn Adams Limbaugh is selling dead Rush's personal things for whopper prices. You can't get Rush's personal ties that he wore around his cancer body as at 500 dollars a piece they are all gone. You can still though get cancer cigars and his golf equipment.

Yes I understand charity ok, but having known some dead people, I just do not think I would be selling my Beloved Uncles things even for charity. Perhaps it is me, but it just seems like scraping the bones. Seriously, Limbaugh was paid like 50 million dollars a year. At one time with that Hunt for Red October guy he tried buying the Minnesota Vikings for a billion dollars. The Mockingbird paid Rush Limbaugh allot of money, so much money he had a private jet and he had enough money to have a suitcase full of Viagra for pedo island. When you got a billion dollars, you can show some class and not be selling off the dead guys things even for charity. There is zero collectors value in this stuff as once Limbaugh was CIA gone the CIA stopped hyping him and he simply vanished. In a few years, no one is going to even remember this suction cup who sucked the life out of Conservatism.

I don't get the Kathryn Adams part either as her old man was not named Adams. I suppose she is some relative of John Adams like Limbaugh was named after the Hudson car or something.

Rush Limbaugh always had a veneer over his fat man that he had some taste, expensive taste like in cigars, ties, jets and cheap women. He had lots of cheap women who made allot for his beard. But in death Limbaugh's cheesy nature just drips through like sun melted Velveeta. You got him funding stooges to mention him in articles and you got these weird websites that the Mrs. is pimping and on one gives a damn, as all of these Mockingbird frauds know this is a sham and it appears with how Joe Rogan is the class clown that the old whores simply are not worth the pop anymore they are costing.

Rush Limbaugh really was the first Qanon project. He led Reagan's Revolution to defeat and on Jan6 it was finished off as Limbaugh got his 30 pieces of silver from Trump in that President medal. Limbaugh was a plagiarist and plagiarized me and others. He owes me 11 million and it is hard to write checks out where he is now. He should have paid up when he could, but it does amaze me how quickly he vanished in no one cared. That alone reveals what a fraud his last years were in media and why Obama was propping him up. He could not appeal to people under 40 years old. He tried to hook young kids with the pimp books, but nothing took and in the end when I tried to help him with a cancer cocktail to save him, he listened to Kathryn, got his medal and got treated by a doctor that killed him off.

I figure in a few years that Kathryn will close the websites as why pay people to pack and ship things, when no one is buying. If you knew where the garage was, you could wait and pick it all out of the dumpster. I deduce that KARHL Holdings LLC is Kathryn Adams Rush Hudson Limbaugh, and has branches all over according to documents and not Florida alone where it has been operating for 11 years.

An aging widow who was said to be cheating on Rush can not sit around forever getting wrinkled or one ends up paying for attention which is affordable and Miss Kitty did it, but caught HIV they said, so the sites will disappear in time as how many one of a kind Rush Limbaugh personal golf clubs can you sell for charity.

All I can think in closing this out, in how distasteful this is in what is still going on. It reminds me of that disgusting photo of Stephen Tyler in the front show box seats with Bob Kraft who owned the Patriots and in back was Rush picking boogers out of his nose. It is just an image, if you are supposed to be the biggest guy on the block, then you are supposed to be bigger than a rock star, and your only company should not be the booger you picked out of your nose.

Nuff Said
