Sunday, March 20, 2022

T Minus


Allgire - Impending Global Cyber Attack - Vid

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was studying the remote viewing information above and I am fascinated how the remote viewers are drawn in their psychic profile to different vantage points. I have appreciated the Dick Allgire group for the ability they have to wear groves in time lines. They have such ability that they can like an otter slie into a river, wear such a deep path that everyone who enters the matrix at this point, will see the same thing these four viewers have seen, whether it is right for wrong.

It would not do any good in explaining my methods in flash reading the matrix and the feel I have had to develop to find the real time lines. It is easier to read an event early than late, after all the viewers have worn groves in and muddied the waters. I sort through the information, but it requires my wearing a correct grove in the time line again.

I have warned all of you to prepare. I was not being public about matters as in August 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, after the RNC, I had been involved in dealing with a projection which Dick Allgire had witnessed, involving a large damage event to a major metro area. I tracked this for most of the summer and leading up to this, Allgire had been hitting 100%. I rewrote the time line as I was writing the time line to install Donald Trump as president.

Allgire went silent after his predictions failed due to my altering events to save life. For this I had sent agents to intimidate and humiliate me in interviews. I changed time lines as my entire purpose was to save Protestant Christian lives in Europe and America.

This blog educated you how to prepare and told you there was a reason. I have not been public in this as I desire to not be any more target than this poor orphan girl is doing the Lord's work. I informed enough people who this would touch as proof, and began in August 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, as that is when I first came across this event.

The matrix was pointing to the first part of March. As it did not manifest, the scientific examination of this led me to conclude that Vladimir Putin was such a large intrusion into the flow of the matrix that it has overcome the event. This has all changed in what the Allgire group has revealed.

This is important to understand that Vladimir Putin is a large splash. He disrupted the time line, displaced a huge event in a monumental reset. That splash lasted about 3 weeks and now the original event is back and building by the dark side forces. That concludes that this is a plan of wills, it is destiny in events being driven which are to be.
When Obama engaged in Sandy Hook to save hisself, That blowing of the matrix, reset his leaving the building and that event kept resetting until it reached it's conclusion on June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord. Obama and his flash in the pan was nothing compared to the signature of Vladimir Putin and the event which the Allgire group have seen. Obama as this blog wrote was a pre signature of the anti Christ, Obama was a shadow event of a much bigger event. What is taking place now are not shadows, but real signatures of events.

Events require being placed in the proper context.

In studying the Riordin and Allgire views, Allgire is witnessing a global event, with societal altering evacuations and violence. Riordin was in New York, in a mode of Biden is engaged in using what took place like the Covid to unleash a bureaucratic dictatorship, to which people will protest against.

The exact view was about a cyber attack which shuts off a major artery. Riorden felt it was an oil pipeline. A main artery could also be an electronic power line.

Allgire's view has people without lights, people gathered, people with candles. Evacuations, violence, something has taken place beyond fuel or electric shortages. Something has taken place where people have gathered and they want to be evacuated.

It appears to be two different situations on two different continents.

What is being constructed is deliberate and by design. It is meant to change the things which are meant to change. The event is a stepping stone and we are all about to be made to step in it. The smirking Dictator in reverse speech stated the middle class is going to be smashed. That reflects what the viewers are seeing. It dovetails in what my inquiry picked up last August.

I will not stop this, this time by rewriting the time line. The people with money treated me like a whore and left me for dead. Now their money will not save them as this blog stated. This blog wrote of the Samson Option and of pulling down the house. My prayer is for the return of Jesus the Christ. That is my focus, thee only appropriate solution.

The world system is being pulled down. It will amplify and not stop as the universe literally begins coming down with this cascade, just like the towers on 9 11. It has started and the gravity of it will not be able to be stopped, once this next phase is initiated. This is is large current or the viewers would not have locked onto it and posted the teaser for free. They want your 30 pieces. It seems you can pay to discover how you will die bleating. I always expected the work accomplished here was worthy of a Prophet's hire, the majority of you cheated me instead.

We are now at August 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. The blurb was about e cigs causing deaths, when it was really the first test of the prion virus, which manifested in release in December after deliberate infection. What is coming is already in the pipe. It is logical to conclude that it is not months away.

We are all now at T Minus as Vladimir Putin is being swept aside by the surge of what was. There are realities in the time line bigger than Vladimir Putin.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
