Thursday, March 17, 2022

All in the Family


Auu Archie, Gloria would be so proud Zellinskyy got out of acting
and is going to be the first homosexual to start a nuclear war.

Boy the way Hunter Biden played,
Laptops that made the Trump charade,
Guys like them they had it made,
Those were the days,
And you know where you were then,
Girls were girls and men were men,
Mister we could use a man like Vladimir Putin again,
Didn't need no Ukraine states
Every pedo had his jail bait,
Gee Birther Obama sealed our fate,
Those were the days

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You Jews succeed at comedy and stealing money,
that Negro Obama made a mistake in putting you in charge of Ukraine,
he should have picked a kraut as you Jews know Hitler's success,
you Meathead you.

I don't care if you wanted Russia to invade Ukraine, so you could
get ass sexed by 150,000 Russian soldiers. I'm not sticking my dick up
your ass as I ain't queer as Hunter Biden, you Meathead you.

How can you have the globalists steal Ukraine for you like they stole
America for Biden,  and you lose it all to Vladimir Putin, because you
want to genocide Russians in Donbass you Meathead you.

See a Heeb doctor who worked for the Rockefellers wrote that
you got your genetic locks, your Pollack, your Shylock and  your Jewlock,
and you got a lock on Meathead, you Meathead you.

You Jews are suppose to have brains, what did you think Putin was
going to do to you when you trusted kid raper Biden to protect your butt
after you tried to start a nuclear world war, you Meathead you.
