Thursday, March 17, 2022

Yes My Penis Has a Sense of Smell


My UN Penis will protect your Ukraine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry wonders about amnesia in the Bush and Clinton spheres of politics, in Macron of France, Schultz of Germany and Johnson of England, and throw in Turdeau of Canada, who all seem to have a memory lapse.

We seem to have demands of Putin leaves Ukraine. Zellinskyy in Ukraine demands a NO FLY ZONE.

For like 70 years the world told us there was a way to handle things.

Meet you on the other side.

Putin States Russia Was Forced To Attack Ukraine
To Prevent The Ukraine's Ethnic Cleansing

Poland Tells Zelensky It's Seeking
Armed NATO 'Peace Mission' For Ukraine

Sending NATO Troops To Ukraine Is
'Red Line' – German Official

Here is a hint.

SRSG Caroline Ziadeh met today with the Head of @unwomenkosovo, Ms. Vlora Tuzi Nushi. They discussed cooperation and continued efforts to implement the UN's ...

The United Nations was always called in to deflate a situation. There were like 30 times the UN was putting the blue helmets on. Now the question for Ukraine is, "Where are the peacekeepers who will allow Vladimir Putin to save face in removing forces, peacekeepers who will keep NATO out, peacekeepers who will keep Ukraine neutral and not starting a world war?

Why is it that Lame Cherry is thee only one bringing this reality up?

Why does even the UN want to start another British instigated global war that will go nuclear?

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
