Saturday, March 19, 2022

American Aborticide by Russian Nukes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm trying to figure out why shipping assault weapons to Ukrainian Nazis, hired Albanian MERC's at 3000 dollars a month, and Muslim terrorists from Syria is something the liberal anti gun Biden dictators and the FBI wokesters and the Rainbow State Department are all kosher with now.

A former U.S. Navy pilot who owns the Florida-based gun manufacturing company KelTec sent 400 semi-automatic rifles to resistance forces in Ukraine fighting against the Russian invasion.

“The American people want to do something,” said veteran Adrian Kellgren, who owns KelTec, according to The Associated Press. “We enjoy our freedoms, we cherish those things. And when we see a group of people out there getting hammered like this, it’s heartbreaking.”

Kellgren said a customer in Ukraine had ordered $200,000 worth of firearms from his family-owned business, but he lost contact with the Ukrainian shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion began.  

The answer is of course to the WHY is that the American elite want to start a nuclear war with Russia.

Nuclear bombs are popular with Americans now. They have no problem  with millions of Europeans dying Chernobyl deaths. Here are the American suicide stats.

As for dumbshit Americans, the evidence is never ending. We now have a Pew Research poll of Americans, if it is accurate, that finds that 36% of American Republicans and 35% of American Democrats support American military intervention against Russia in Ukraine “even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia.”  The Poll finds that half of the US population thinks that Russia’s concern with her national security is a “major threat” to US interests. 

The Lame Cherry wonders about the 36% of Americans who love nuclear radioactivity, have thought about what it was like to have cancer treatment as that is what radioactive fallout does. It has you shitting blood, pissing blood, hair falling out, bleeding gums, and then you die.

I wonder why 36% of Americans want to be nuclear aborted. 

The Lame Cherry wonders why 36% of these Americans want to see their children dying from cancer tumors like Chernobyl children have in heads swelling up like melons. Why they would want their children to be sterilized to end their family lines. I don't understand why Americans want to die and exterminate their children. I don't understand why all those Americans think that Russia is not going to give Americans the nuclear death they are asking for by sending weapons to murder Russians.

I would suggest that this 1/3rd of America which thinks that nuclear war does not end their lives in a real tortured death, that they visit a chemo ward, volunteer even to clean up the people puking their guts out, and smell that, as that is the stench of their future.

These Americans sending weapons to Ukraine, are providing the primer for the detonation of nuclear war on their homes. There is not running from this. Radiation is coming thanks to these ignorant Americans.

Allgire - Impending Global Cyber Attack - Vid

Allgire - Inflation & The Death Of
The US Dollar - Video

Nuff Said
