Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Biden's Dire Warning For Americans


I think this putting us all in rags was a plot to show our legs for free
so the Schwabians would not have to pay for porn.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry assesses that one of the most prudent monitors on humanity is David John Oates pioneering work in Reverse Speech. Time and again, insights have come from the collective thought as much as from individuals privy to information who are installed into power. One such event took place on March 15th which dealt with Dictator Biden. In his speech, he was speaking about the hard work which middle class Americans produced, as based on what the Dictator's father had extolled to Joe when he was young.
It was the reversal which was telling.

Meet you on the other side.


Big Event Coming


My dad used to talk about - They're smashed in a big event

The "They're" are Americans, the Middle Class.  The word smashed is important as that is what Biden's psyche defined it as. This smashing is all connect to a big event.

As without inquiry into the matrix, the only people who know what Dictator Biden is speaking about, are the 1% who allowed the Dictator to be briefed upon the big event.

I did a Word Web examination of SMASHED and the definition are posted below.

Broke, Damaged, Hit.

Hit hard

Break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over

Damage or destroy as if by violence

The synonyms are altered and changed.

Let us back engineer this further. The Dictator has been told a big event is out there. He KNOWS this and he is not doing a thing about it. He is in the White House and democrats control Congress and the GOP votes democrat so there is not an issue that some kind of safety net could not be put into place in a crash program if saving the Middle Class was of importance. Keep in mind in this, Joe Biden KNOWS a big event is coming, which will alter your lives, change your lives, break your lives and this is going to be initiated by an ACTION which will shatter your lives.

Consider this analogy. If you have a glass vase and it is smashed. Can you put it together again or is part of it dust now, pieces so small they can not be joined or sorted again and will never be of use again?

The Dictator's psyche chose SMASHED for a definitive or a defining reason. The Dictator did not choose ruined, did not chose ended, he chose smashed because that is what lives will be.

The comment from Jeff Rense was, "What is it going to be a meteor?"

The Lame Cherry would project off that statement in stating, rich and poor, great and small, elite in bunkers and those on the street, have no defense against meteors. An immortal is just as smashed as a two legger by that same force. That would indicate something no of a meteor global ending disaster or the Dictator would have focused on death, instead of destroyed lives which were still viable, but people will not be able to go back to their old lives or ways of living, that which you consider normal will be obliterated and something else, a neo kind of existence is going to replace life as you know it.

David John Oates always focuses on context, the forward connection. What the Dictator was speaking about was people working, making a living, the pursuit of happiness, not of the rich, not of the poor, bu the Middle Class. The Middle Class which is societal norms will be altered for the Middle Class. The rich and elite have the money to not be affected. The poor are getting handouts so their state will not be changed. The Dictator is saying those who work, produce and have an American Dream are going to have their millions of lives forever changed by a big event. That would bring the conclusion there is nothing of a natural disaster in this. This is an unnatural disaster and that means Schwabian man made.

They're smashed in a big event

The Dictator in Reverse Speech speaks simple mind frames as most reversals are. For example, Norman English which is intellectual would say, "They are altered in a large catastrophe".

Smashed means something fast, violent, complete, like dropping a vase or a car wreck. Something is going to come unexpected upon Americans and bring them ruin.

How would you ruin an American?

The Dictator is not taking about NASA. The context was his father. When would Biden's father have lived? The answer is the Great Depression and World War II. That was the touchstone of that generation of compliant Frank Roosevelt bleaters. The Great Depression like Obama's Super Depression of 2008 AD in the year of our Lord changed peoples lives as it smashed them to not be put together again. They could no longer work as they had but has to work in different circumstances. One was a farm economy, the latter was 40 hours per week which are now 30 hours per week to which people can not pay their bills.

The Biden context indicates that something economically is going to alter, change the American normal of people going to work and being the driving force of society. For big event reasons, people are not going to be able to work and earn money. This is a jobs related issue and those jobs are not going to be coming back, Mexican and Muslim slave workers or not.

So People's lives will be shattered, worse than Fauci's Covid terrorism which changed so much of what Americans lived as. Once again to remind you, Dictator Biden and the 1% know this big event is going to take place and norma people's lives are going to be destroyed and not be able to be returned to.

One can postulate that we know about the money hand out 'living wage' with social scores and crypto control over your money has been initiated and is linked to this, This would be a change which no one could return to their past. The Schwabians worship at this control state system and this is your Egyptian Daily Bread.

Would a German Weimar Republic inflation and collapse, which was engineered by the elite to get out from war debt New York, London and Paris, be a blueprint for this in America? The answer is yes as the German middle class was sifted to oblivion and turned out on the other side working at mandated jobs by Adolf Hitler in a transformation of German culture.

So one can examine that a Wall Street smashed would produce such a result. The Dollar would be voided and retirement and investment would be obliterated. All which would survive would be United Conglomerate America and the useless bleaters.

In terms of a smashed Wall Street so that a regime would have to seize control of all buying and selling, perhaps it would be bigger than Obama's crash. Perhaps it could be some Bavarian prophecy of New York disappearing in a mushroom cloud and we have a perfect person to blame now in Vladimir Putin.

Time flows. Events unwind. Events respool which were seen before. They appear in new contexts to become accomplished as part of the whole collective of the matrix.

I have not inquired on this, too exhausted and too poor. I have issues of preparation and survival. I do pay attention to Dictator Biden, smirking over Ukraine like he knows something, and then David John Oates discovers a reversal where the Dictator does know that a Middle Class way of life is going to be shattered and not reappear, which makes no mention of the elite nor the poor as they will not change. Instead the focus is on the producing group which is a competitor to the 1%. There are only a finite group of ways to get rid of the economy the Middle Class resides in, by a quick and violent act.

The Holy Ghost has been providing short messages, one was the hot breath of God's Wrath on the House of Israel, which includes America and the Western Peoples. I know the way I get treated like a cheap whore by most of you, that this reflects your attitude toward God. You really should be more generous with the coin as Dictator Biden is telling you that money is not going to protect you. Your hearts are where you god is.

The Dictator is revealing something else too, a time line. The 1% would not have informed Puppet Joe if Puppet Joe was not involved in this. Pedo Joe has a shelf life in stolen 2020 AD in the year of our Lord elections to 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

Logic would be on past performance to alter people's live and then turn it over to the "other party" which is as corrupt as the party in power to punt the issue. If that is the case, then like with Birther Hussein a market crash would take place before the elections as John McCain sucked royal in handing the election to Obama in the troubles of September and October.

The Farmer of Krems liked June for nuclear glow on Gotham States. I don't know and I don't have an interest in working for free to find out. I will  repeat though that I plugged into a time line of electric grid problems in March and Vladimir Putin appears to have created such a surge in the matrix over Ukraine that he is the dominant force for now and other events are submerging and resurfacing from the past.

Whatever the planned context by the 1%, the smirker is in the know. and he knows your money god is not going to save you as what was societal function is going to be smashed.

There is only one definite in this. This smashing is to occur before the end of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord as that is the Dictator's shelf life for one election theft and what the Dictator was informed. That is a finite period of time in days. Your lives will change forever, so you should be prepared as this Lame Cherry explained you should. If I had more resources I would be figuring out how to keep a light on in your homes and a fan. No money, no time, so I do what I can to keep giving ground and moving by the left flank.

We should all know what the Biden big event is, as time does fly.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

