Tuesday, March 22, 2022

dem Boots


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Even if you non donating tools of satan are not good to me in being brats, God is good to me even in shit times.

Like I pray that God gives me 100 bales of hay, it unloaded too of course. That has not happened, but my neighbor was agreeable to selling me hay so I can quit titting about that. That is German. The real word is "mutzin" or mutzin around in what a baby does digging for tit in wanting to be nursed.

 A mutzer is someone who ti titting around, fussing, whining, complaining, like about donations.

So we get into town, between HAARP deep chill and make it to the Thrift Store. Their special was Snow Boot and Snow Pants a dollar. I miss the snow pants part as I need boots. All of my boots have a crack in them, let snow in, it melts and it sucks the hind tit in 20 below and 2 foot of snow traipsing around trying to find twigs for kindling as I was too busy working myself because the neighbor figured he was not going to cut or bale hay anymore after he begged me too years ago, so I had to do that, set me back a month and .......no donations, and it is a real spider hole which the non donors will have to answer for.

So I go to the boot section and no like boots with liners, but  I see some gems in these dairy boots, the kind that go up to your knees, and I used to frown upon for being fag, but after I got started, I liked them. About that time the Chinamen started making them and they crack and get your feet wet.

The cheap ass boots last about 6 months. Less if it is cold. They kind of become garden boots to keep the chiggars and ticks off you in summer.

So I look around and there are four pairs of dairy fag boots. They are too small, but I get my foot shoved into them anyway. I get 4 paris........one has steel toes which is like asking your toes to freeze off in 20 below, but I walked out for four dollars, 240 dollars worth of boots. The thing is this week I was thinking about ordering a 150 dollar pair which I could not afford, but was too tired, busy, occupied to get it done. Would have been peeved if I had done that and came across these boots as that would not have pleased me.

So God does look out for me, and those people with money are now going to have to answer God in why He had to be finding me boots, because they could not find that donate button.

So now I have four pairs of boots with holes in them and four pairs of boots with no holes in them. Am thinking about going green and using a plastic grocery bag on the hole boots and toughing it out this winter if I have to to gather twigs or wood in the deep snow. Even in that, the Holy Ghost was on it this morning in I was doing chicken chores and was guided to cast my lovely gaze in a direction God intended and the Holy Ghost says, "Look over there". Sure enough, got a box of kindling which pleased me immensely as am still upset about that hay cutting in all the time it took and how it got rained on for 3 weeks and lost it's nutrition and .........God has all that recorded.

Oh, got a book on Napoleon too. War is coming to Europe after all and what would you do if the Lame Cherry was not here to tell you how things turn out.

Nuff Said
