Monday, March 21, 2022

Why Iran


It is a secret only Mahdi knows.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been a mystery why nuclear Iran has been such a stick up the ass to Shia Obama and Dictator Joe Biden as Marxist Iran hates the socialists of America.

It is Das macht keinen sinn, translated, It Makes No Sense.

The Lame Cherry considers all Arabs the kindred of the United States, for that matter Elam or Persia is of the Seth or Semite line as much as Germans are. We are one family of peoples and yet have been divided by leftism.

I have been pondering why Iran is being bowed to by Washington DC at the complete expense of Jews of Tel Aviv and the Arabs and the only thing which makes sense in this, is the subject after you read hte quote.

Meet you on the other side.

This is the English in their Great Game India. Bidencorp abandoned Afghanistan to the Chinese to draw China into the Mideast, namely for rare earth elements. That is a choke point in the Khyber pass of China on their silk road.

What lays next to Afghanistan is Iran. Iran by treaty is an ally with Russia and a direct marketer of oil to China. Yet the United States has been spreading it's ass cheeks to Russia over Iran, using Venezuela to support nuclear Iran and alienating the Arab states all for Shia Iran.

America went to Iran begging for oil when Bidencorp stopped importing Russian oil. That is how bizarre all of this is, in not making any sense.

The United States rings the Persian Gulf with military bases. America is not in Iran since the English overthrew the Shah and threw America out. Yes Tehran is English MI6 and run by the English in the Great Game. All that makes any sense in this is that China is going to move into Iran with Russia by treaty and by the United States appearing to cozy up to Tehran will then make Iran more tempting to Russia and China. Iran is key to the invasion of the Mideast by Russia in the Caspian and by China in Afhganistan.

It is very rough country to the north of the Mideast, and there is nuclear Turkey. For the oil domino effect the reality is, that if Russia and China can destabilize oil flow to western markets via Iran, and the Saudi's by controlling the Persian Gulf, then Europe will buckle as Europe has not secured Libyan oil as she should have. America will be crushed by high oil prices and no one being able to afford Biden electric cars.

The 1% appears to be setting up Iran as a strategic lure for this escalation of the Great Eurasian War. The Big 3's forces in Russia, China and America must be spread out to neutralize the impact of their conventional and nuclear arms. The Iranian Theater appears an order of battle to cause a major scorched earth in Iran. Iran is a difficult terrain to make war in. It is rough country and hard to move through. It is a stalemate type force of eating up American regional war power and obliterating Russian and Chinese expeditionary forces in Iran. The Euphrates River will be the line. The Bible says that river dries up and the armies of the east cross to the Valley of Sharron north of Jerusalem.

It seems that the fight will be first in Iran in this theater. Nuclear Jewry and nuclear Saudi Arabia will hold the invasion of Russia and China at the Euphrates until other political situations out of Europe move the Asians west. Biblically the reason is the anti Christ moves into north Africa (oil) and then into the promised land. That is what triggers Armageddon in the Europeans regaining control of the Mideast.

This is one of those bizarre demons let loose out of the Euphrates and Mahdi wars as Iran being bowed to and succored as an English client for 50 years by America is something which makes no sense. It made sense when Reagan turned Iraq loose on Iran for a mutual killing spree of both regimes, but this Biden bowing as Obama sucked off Iran is just part of this enigma in which answers are still being formed. 
Nuclear Iran appears to have a greater mission in holding off China and Russia. I doubt that will ever happen. Every move though from Venezuela to Iran is meant to draw out Russia and China in placing their allies against America into question of loyalties.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
