Monday, March 21, 2022

Rusty Guns


Woeful Alec Baldwin thanks fans during ‘difficult situation’ in sad Christmas message

8 days agoNew York Post

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is grateful for this sit down interview with that incredible actor, Alec Baldwin, who do to the shooting of a woman, who no one remembers almost cancelled Alec's career in the movie "RUST".

No one can keep Alec Baldwin down, not even his hot wife, with that Latinx name, and lord know she has tried. In this, Alec Baldwin has picked himself up, rubbed some dirt on his wounds and shaken the dust off in starring in a new western sure to please audiences in Rusty Guns.

In this interview as is Lame Cherry policy, we always let the interviewee set the course and discuss anything they like from onions to bees in Babylon. So with that, here is Alec Baldwin in his own words.

Mr. Baldiwin, thank you for this interview, the floor is yours, but could you please start with your new movie Rusty Guns so that people do not confuse it with Rust where that young woman was murdered.

Thank you, of course. When I was told that Rust would never reach the theaters due to lawsuits and murder chargers, I wanted to show a tribute to the movie Rust and to my wonderful talent by telling a story of a man who has a relative and is in the white privileged old west, and other things which will seem similar to Rust, but  I swear that we are not repackaging the movie and using the footage.

Enough of the movie as this is about how I have suffered from not pulling the trigger and a woman died. I want people to know that I too am a parent, husband and have an ex wife, in I'm the victim here as I had to deal with not pulling the trigger and finding those responsible as I was not.


This has been trying for me, and in my catharsis, I want to let people know that this woman is not the first death at my hands. From my earliest recollections, I have been killing things. Like I remember at age 4, stepping on ants. They just get in the way of people going places and no one cares, not even PETA about killing ants.

Then there was the time  I was 8 years old and our family had this orange tom cat, called Mr. Puss. He slept with me allot under the covers as I liked his raspy tongue on my bare skin. Well I fart bombed him one night, and how was I to know that methane kills, and when I woke up the next morning, I had a dead cat.

I had lots of dead pets, goldfishes, parakeets, worms  and I don't know all, but somehow they either got ate by the cat or the fish and birds ate the worms. Just because I put something before a pet, does not mean that I'm guilty of that thing dying as it is the animals in the act, not me.



As I grew older, I started killing things with cars. You never get anywhere if you slow down for wildlife or other people's pets. The roads are meant for driving, not for butterflies flapping along, wiener dogs loping along or birds swooping into the driving lane. I had a 1984 Trans Am which was really effective at killing things. I think I probably should have entered it into Guinness World Book as butterfly guts on my car formed a kind of protective shield that nothing could get through.




When my big brakes started coming in New York, I discovered that rat poison kills more than rats. I don't even want to think about how much all that poison killed things. It was so easy and accessible that
as I started earning some real coin, that I should have bought stock in Decon as I had to affect their profit margins.

No interview is complete without an outstanding revelation. I tried to be a gentleman and a good brother by providing hints that I did not pull the trigger. Everyone is so stupid though in the public and law enforcement that they never got what I was saying. I twas not me who pulled the trigger it was my brother. You know the stupid one who looks like he kidnaps people and ties them up in his basement?




See I needed a stand in as I'm an important producer, and my brother was doing all the second camera work and it was him who shot that woman I'm being blamed for. As I said I tried being stand up, but I" not going to ruin my life over some dead woman or a brother that I hired as he is so stupid and without talent that he can not get work. How was I to know that he would pull his cock out and start firing.

Sure I demanded a bigger gun, as my penis is nothing to envy and a man has to do what ha man has to do, as have you seen my wife/ She is insatiable. Latin blood to her bones I tell you. Drains me of body fluids. If I don't sex that woman several times a day, she is going to go out looking. I got no problem with that, but that woman is fertile like a herd of rabbits. She walks by a man and she gets preggo. I got a big enough viagra bill that I can not afford to be raising some other men and or lesbian's bastards. I'm the victim here times ten and from my stupid family and my dripping wife I'm about having an emotional breakdown daily as I think about this dead woman when I'm thinking about how she ruined my life.


I know this started out about me killing things to show you that some woman getting herself killed is not that big of deal. We all meet our state exit sooner or later and I'm a working man trying to pay salaries of my family and pay viagra bills. In that, please support my latest effort in Rusty Guns. I know people will say it is Rust re edited, but it is not, as there is a scene where the brother of Rust gets into a confrontation with a woman and man pointing a dangerous camera at the brother, and he goes out shooting in a blaze of glory.

Thank you Mr. Baldwin for giving us an inside look at the resurrection of your career.

Soundtrack from the 1990 Geoff Murphy film "Young Guns II" with Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Christian Slater, ...

Nuff Said
