Monday, March 21, 2022

What Really is NASA


So this is where all the ugly people are, NASA put them all
into outerspace in the Uglynauts program.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you ask anyone what NASA is, they will tell you the common understanding that NASA is the agency which puts rockets into orbit and other things. You could not be further from the Truth, because in reality is a shell front organization. NASA has nothing to build anything that launches into space.

NASA keeps showing up on speech reversals from David John Oates from the Kennedy assassination to UFO's on the moon. What is the public image of NASA is not what NASA ever was. In this short discourse, this blog will explain what NASA was.

What NASA is, is an agency which contracts with American defense conglomerates to purchase products from them. As an example, what was Morton Thiokol out of Utah, started out as Morton Salt and Chemical. Morton purchased Thiokol which got it's jump start when Dr. Joseph Patrick accidentally created synthetic rubber when trying to make a synthetic antifreeze.

This rubber was thiocol, and renamed Thiokol, and was the bonding for the first rockets that put satellites into orbit. While the NAZI Germans got credit for the first launches of Jupiter rockets into orbit in competition with the Soviets, the fact is, it was a V2 rocket at the bottom, but 3 other stages on top of the Jupiter which came from Morton Thiokol.

If you have heard of JPL as in Houston JPL, that started out in California as Jet Propulsion Labs of California Institute of Technology. They were the Jupiter team in the space race and were melded into NASA.

The Space Shuttle had a processing contract which was was four defense contractors, in Rockwell International, United Space Boosters Inc, Rocketdyne and Martin Marietta.

Rockwell built the shuttles.  Martin Marietta built the fuel tank and supplied the hydrogen fuel. SRBI provided parts for the solid rockets and Rocketdyne supplied the shuttle main engines. Morton Thiokol built the solid rocket boosters.

When Ronald Reagan focused on Star Wars, the DOD money began poring into NASA contractors.What was initially to be a few launches a year of the shuttle, was transformed into 24 launches a year, in the shuttle going up every two weeks.

Everything which became public in the shuttle, was backed by Department of Defense contractors who were positioning for the next generation of weapons in the heavy lift rockets for maximum payloads.

So while you understand that NASA has thousands of engineers employed of great talent, the workings of what NASA is, takes place in the engineers who are building all of these systems which at the current pace is Elon Musk, as NASA has left the building on these archaic launch platforms, as we are supposed to be wowed by pictures of Mars and telescopes showing us planets in other solar systems.

For all of the weird old half bald men we always see in historical footage, they never built anything. They were systems monitors and running trajectories. Those who built the machines were defense contractors and it was those engineers who had the late night meetings with NASA to sign off on a Launch Go.

So NASA was a front by John Kennedy to keep a ruse up that this was not an American military space race with the Soviet army to avoid direct confrontation. The question is though with the Nazis from Germany in Alabama, just what more was NASA fronting for. Is there another NASA which the space administration is cover for? That is highly possible as in speech reversals, all this UFO stuff and NASA talking heads are always talking about the CIA as their contact.

It is evident in the way the military dropped NASA the past years for it's own systems, that NASA is being orphaned. Elon Musk is their weirdo plugged in contractor as Musk creates SkySat to make us all glow in the dark at 5 G.

This really is the best kept secret there is in what NASA is really, because the few who have talked about UFO related NASA artifacts end up being smeared.  With Donald Trump's Space Force, there really is not any reason for NASA as everything is being implemented on other platforms which have been operating in the shadows for 60 years.

I actually have always been more interested in the wonk systems in the black ops being worked out in the contractors than in what NASA claimed it was doing, because I like wonk stuff. I have more interest in a synthetic rubber in how the long chains in chemistry are forming bonds, as these are hybrid materials, which are the genesis of what the demons are flying around in those saucers as a living synthetic entity. We're getting a flavor of that in the vax, so it is more transparent now, so one does not have to dust off the pizza delivery pass and go below floors.

If you can build a rocket, you can unbuild a Russian ICBM.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
