Monday, March 21, 2022

The VAX was designed to bring a Nuclear War to America and Europe

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have too many articles now in dealing with the big event and Ukraine, so this is a thank you to Maggie for sharing this as it proved the Lame Cherry RIGHT AGAIN when I told you that Sputnik vax was making Russians war aggressive. Now Jack Prosobiac of the Defense Intelligence Q has quoted a study in Canada, that the prion vax there is making Canadians crave nuclear war.

This explains why 1/3rd plus of Americans polled think nuclear war is worth it over Ukraine. It is the Goddamned vax. It is making people in the Americas now more aggressive and not submissive and they lack all reason. Only those behind this and God knows what else this brain rot is going to bring.

So  you people with money, get out your Goddamned plastic and start donating because by God's Grace the Lame Cherry was proven right again. This vax was designed in part to generate a nuclear war and only the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter revealed that months ago.

Get with donating you people with money as Wall Street is not your lifeline. This blog has been and is. Stop treating me like a cheap whore and leaving me dead along side the road.

Lame Cherry Right Again!!!

Nuff Said
