Monday, March 21, 2022

The Dick in Allgire Up Biden's Ass


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You may remember Dick Allgire and his chums at remote viewing taking about a global cyber attack, and right on schedule, Dictator Biden comes out blaming Russia for the coming attacks, based upon Vladimir Putin is frustrated with Ukraine.

No President Putin is not frustrated in Ukraine. Russia is winning. Russia is using the pawn of Ukraine to knock the United States dictatorship off the throne in economics, leadership and military power.

Biden is running a red herring just as Russia kept being blamed for hacking the DNC in 2008 in Russiagate which was an MI6 fraud.

President Joe Biden on Monday warned of Russian cyberattacks against the U.S. — making his most prominent alert yet about what he called new intelligence concerning the Putin regime’s plans.

“The more Putin’s back is against the wall, the greater the severity of the tactics he may employ … one of the tools he’s most likely to use in my view, in our view, is cyberattacks,” Biden said on Monday.

“The magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential and it’s coming,” he continued.

So Dictator Biden is lying about Russia.

So who is going to carry out these cyber attacks that Dick Allgire and company saw if it is not Russia?

Read the bold print part of the quote and meet you on the other side.

Neuberger mentioned in her remarks Monday, which the FBI hosted on Thursday with more than 100 companies across its field offices.

The source who attended DOE’s briefing did not share specifics about any new information the White House or Energy Department has gathered. Instead, they described the meeting as mostly a reiteration of the Russian cyber threats the energy sector already knows about. A separate industry source also told POLITICO that TSA had its own briefing last week.

So Christopher Wray of the FBI called out the dogs to alert all the FBI across America to look for cyber attacks. I wonder if there are enough genderpower to hunt down Jan6ers and that DC Pipe Bomber, who was a regime asset, but that is something above my pay grade as the FBI was providing cover for Dictator Biden's charge that Russia is about to cyber blitz America, even if there no proof, an proof and no proof, but with no proof of anything going to happen, no reason with Russia winning in Ukraine and across the world.........a cyber attack is about to hit America.

It seems that the reality is Qanon and that DIA operation on 2020 that framed all the Jan6ers would be a likely candidate for who is about to cyber strike know an inside job, contracted via Edward Snowden employees in the Black Corporate Structure.

You are being told it is Russia, and will be told it is Russia, when something does happen, and with the lights off and the only information you get is Mockingbird telling you it is Russia, then I guess it is Russia that did it, like Frank Roosevelt had zero part in goading the Japanese into bombing Pearl Harbor.

This is a really bad Mockingbird event, and meant to be that way to make you distrust the tyrants in DC and your local federal police state, by sowing doubt. I do not doubt that an attack is coming just like 9 11 and all of these other clever operations which have scarred America.

Just reminding you what is generating and how much you need this poor orphan girl as you might make it to first place by what you have been taught, but you are going to be stuck on first as all of your ideas strike out.

Nuff Said

0:00 MOVING IN STEREO:life's the same i'm moving in stereolife's the same except for my shoeslife's the same you're shaking like ...

