Sunday, February 4, 2024

Biden Secures Lock on 3rd Place Last

ah yeah, bomb fondle Caroline bomb
Yemen...........uh now I lay me down to sleep.......if I die before I wake......
bomb fondle 49.........49 more election Bobby Kennedy.......fondle Caroline....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Out of 3 and a half million voters in South Carolina, Dictator Biden in his first primary received barely 132 thousand votes for 4% of available votes.

In this the Dictator received 96% of those votes, while Representative Dean Philips of Minnesota and Marianne Williamson a self help educator split the remaining 4 percent in this landslide victory as it is reported for Mr. Biden.

So to recap this, 96% percent of voters voted to not show up and vote for Dictator Biden and in those who did show up over 5000 would rather vote for people that they did not know than for Joe Biden.

It is interesting that almost half of the voters for Joe Biden had someone mail in their ballots before the election day. The dead are notorious for wanting to make sure they vote for the chosen candidate to be installed.

Remember this is the candidate which Jimmy Kimmel states broke all voting records last time in out preforming Birther Obama with 81 million votes and yet this time his appeal is not quite 81 million votes.

I'm certain that the large fire which broke out in South Carolina two days ago was not the ballots of other candidates being burned as  Biden recorded the lowest voter turn out since Obama posted his record numbers.

Biden keeps these epic numbers up and when all 50 states graft him the nomination, he will have a whopping six million, six hundred thousands votes, or about what he really received in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord election fraud.

The question is now will the hackers of Tel Aviv put The Deuce Robert Kennedy II into the White House or second place as Dictator Joe Biden has an absolute lock on 3rd place last in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord

Nuff Said
