Sunday, February 4, 2024

The German Reality Check


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Angela Merkel holocaust of Germany is in it's final solution reality as the damning reality of woke socialism has reached it's peak after the Biden CIA blew up Northstream pipelines.

Speaking on the ARD television channel, the traffic light coalition politician, State Minister Carsten Schneider, explained that the government spent funds on coronavirus and energy aid packages to subsidize gas and electricity prices.

It cost about €800 billion, and now it’s time for reckoning. For this reason, he can no longer announce further assistance, Schneider continued. Likewise, loans for important investments are no longer possible following a decision by the Constitutional Court, which banned further lending. ’It limits our options,’ Schneider admitted. ’None of this could have been foreseen…’

After the video about the farmers’ protests, Schneider made another admission: ’It was a mistake regarding the farmers. The double burden of tax on motor vehicles and agricultural diesel was too high and it was not discussed with them. It was a clear mistake!’

The second biggest economy in Europe has failed, as the Russian Federation has passed Germany. More to the point, Germany is now in a bizarre Quasi Hitler phase, not rearming Germany to cause a recovery, but Germany is building artillery shells to sell to Ukraine so they like crack whores can snort 105 Howitzers to milking the Kiev Nazi cow of everything Ukraine has in assets.

The hedgefund homos have been unleashed in Ukraine to manage the economy there like a Ponzi Scheme sweat shop, where all Kiev assets are held by the cartel, and the money, much like American debt then is handed over to the select few. In this case, Germany is getting a sizable cut out of Ukraine to remain on life support as the nation went Obama green and killed off it's entire manufacturing capabilities in the finest instruments the world once knew.

As in the above quote, the reality is Germany is out of money and is forbidden to lend money to try and stimulate production. Germany as a woke socialist state run by a Stazi that criminalizes Germans as  the Turkish and Slavic hordes are protected, is the Angela Merkel erasure of Germans.

From a Biblical reality, this is the type of engineered cesspool that the anti Christ will arise from in a weak 10 nation confederation of desperation, seeming to have all the answers, but in real terms the realities are that to save itself, Europe invades Libya for the gas and oil to have their own resources, something Hitler's Germany's were vulnerable to.

This German self suicide was set up by London and New York to keep Germany weak and not gaining control over Europe. Germany hung itself and it is sinking into the Wiemar Republic pit.

Also present on the talk show, Sarah Wagenknecht noted that Germany now has ’the stupidest government in Europe.’ She stressed that she wants to see a government in Berlin that truly represents the interests of the people in her country. 

..........and what has been simmering in Germany now for the past years? GERMANY FIRST FOR GERMANS.

This is not the language of socialism, but the language of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). The leader of the AfD’s ultra-nationalist völkisch wing, Björn Höcke, told an audience of 8,000 in Gera on German Unity Day: “We are being driven into a war that is not ours by an alien power [the US] and a foreign-dominated federal government.”

They oppose the war not from the standpoint of the international working class, but from the standpoint of German imperialism, whose interests are incompatible with those of American imperialism. A Wagenknecht party would not be a party of peace but a German nationalist war party.

The US needs “vassals to go along with its aggressive foreign policy,” he writes. “Among the most loyal vassals are the Europeans, first and foremost Germany. That is why we have the situation we are in now.”

This is not the language of socialism, but the language of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). The leader of the AfD’s ultra-nationalist völkisch wing, Björn Höcke, told an audience of 8,000 in Gera on German Unity Day: “We are being driven into a war that is not ours by an alien power [the US] and a foreign-dominated federal government.”

Germany is as dead as the United States.. There is simmering a new order in Germany and in all the weakness it is having the opportunity by design of the cartel to break through the crust and sprout this order which the American seed bed has sprayed a police state making political prisoners of all killing every seed sown.

Nuff Said
