Sunday, February 4, 2024

Bray Loudly and Hand out Terror Sticks

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People do not remember in the first year of the Obama regime that there were wildfires blazing across California, set by proxy for Iran, by Mexican drug cartels, and they only stopped after thug Attorney General Eric Holder unleashed on the cartels in Mexico.

Upon inquiry that long forgotten Country concert in Las Vegas which had a pasty blamed for spraying bullets at the concert and the story disappeared was again, Iran's Mexican proxies paying back the District of Criminals.

There is now evidence that the weapons that Dictator Biden left in Afghanistan, are flooding into Mexican drug cartels in making them a paramilitary syndicate with the Mexican regime complaining about the massive arms build up.

Jan 22, 2024 ... The Mexican army said in June that it had seized 221 fully automatic machine guns, 56 grenade launchers and a dozen rocket launchers from drug ...

Dictator Biden with his Nuland and Blinken Tel Aviv first proxies for the state of Tel Aviv, has now for protecting Tel Aviv Red Sea shipments, begun a massive bombing campaign against Iranian proxies in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.  While the culpable Govenor, Kristi  Noem of South Dakota complains about Mexican mafia taking over the Sioux Indian Reservations, for which she has succored in her oligarch overthrow of that once Reagan Blue State, the reality is that there is an entire Obama generated criminal syndicate for Latins which has established itself all through America.

They have military weapons from Afghanistan. They are allied in the Ghost Dancer network, and these groups who were firestarters, are now involved in murders on and off the reservations under complete oligarch cover. They are in this weapon's transfers, linked to the Isalmic fronts of the Iranian Republican Guard and Hezbollah.

Even fewer of you remember the closing days of the Bush43 regime, when Vice President Dick Cheney led a strange "clean up operation"in South America, when nuclear materials for a bomb appeared in a proxy state allied with Iran. Yes  once again, Iran was fighting a war against thee American Imperegals with deadly effect, as when they shot down US passenger jets.

 Here are a few initial reactions courtesy of Peter Tchir's Academy Securities...

“President Teddy Roosevelt famously said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” President Biden and Secretary of Defense Austin certainly did not speak softly in the run-up to today’s U.S. attacks in Iraq and Syria. We must now wait to see how much of its “big stick” the U.S. Central Command uses in the coming days. It took five days for the U.S. to conduct the retaliatory strikes, and the timing may be tied to today’s dignified transfer of our three U.S. service members. The strikes were focused on Iranian-backed Shia militia groups, and the timing certainly gave those groups (and any IRGC support personnel) time to evacuate the target areas. Iran continues supplying the weapons to the proxies that are used in these attacks against U.S. forces. If the administration is concerned with escalating to a hot war with Iran and does not want to attack Iran itself, they should at least put a strangle-hold on Iranian oil sales. President Biden must make this painful enough to Iran to get them to back their proxy forces off.” – General Robert Walsh

“These strikes included a significant number of targets and weapons used by the United States. Interesting that the B-1 was used because flying directly from the U.S. provides an additional layer of surprise. Hopefully this sends a message to Iran and the IRGC that it is not in their best interest to continue supporting attacks against U.S. forces. Hard to tell at this point what IRGC leadership personnel were targeted.” – General David Deptula

“The strikes were well coordinated against a set of targets focused on the IRGC Quds Force, the major trainer and supplier to the other proxies. The targets hit all facets of command and control, supply points, launch locations, and missile/UAV storage locations. We will see an analysis of battle damage and follow-up strikes to ensure that we achieved the desired effects. This included our full complement of capabilities such as aircraft launching from the U.S. directly to targets in the AOR. As expected, this was an increase in scale and scope, and a strike against the Iranian IRGC Quds Force, not just the proxies they support. This is more than just a single targeting effort; I am sure that there will be more in the next few days.” – General Frank Kearney

We are now in a literal reality.  Dictator Biden left a huge weapon's cache in the Taliban's hands in Afghanistan. Kiev has been selling huge portions of the weapons which America supplied it on the black market. There are all those munitions which Obama Clinton shipped into terrorists trained in Jordan against Syria to steal Syrian  oil. Finally, Iran and Hamas have created their own very precise and  deadly munitions manufacture which are having successful results.

This is  the alarm in this. The Mexican cartels are established like Islamic groups all through America in now joined syndicates. The weapons and the bad actors are flowing into Mexico in this drug trade and they are shipping all through America via these community bases in a very well funded network that is at source New York banking and Chicago commerce.

The shortsighted military types are relishing more weapon sales for their future sales in billions of dollars of weapons blowing up more people in the Mideast. The reality in this though is when are there going to be these weapons dumped in Eurasia, begin appearing in attacks in the United States when the proxies figure out it is easier to sink American ships and down jets taking off in America, than over their skies and in their seas. When for deniability as in the Holder era and covered up as was in the Boston Blow Job in the sting against North Korea and Chechens were framed, are proxies going to be paid to carry out a thousand attacks as there are tens of millions of Spanish and Islamic speaking peoples and communities for these proxies to blend into after an attack, wait and carry out attacks again.

Yes we know again like John Doe from Iraq, that Americans will be blamed again for another Clinton crackdown on Americans, especially White folks, as OKC was what happened when Bush41 let in reams of Saddam's former thugs and all of that was covered up, but that is not going to change the reality that as everyone is talking about Chinese PLA flooding into America, no one is talking about the violent army already established and operating in America by the police state and New York finance.

Bidencon has gone to war for Tel Aviv. Every time America is suckered into fighting wars for Tel Aviv, attacks happen in America and they are blamed on other things and covered up. How though when it is American rockets of various forms in their red glare out of Kabul shipments are those numerous events going to be covered up?

The weapons are here. The proxies are here. They now have reason to strike back. History proves they will. What happens if this time they do not isolate and instead coordinate.

It is past time that the District of Criminals follow the advice of the people of  the Mideast and get out the region as Bidencon's big stick is coming to America.

....and if it is not Iran, and Iran gets blamed for a big event, then who was behind it, as on 9 11.

Nuff Said
