Monday, August 12, 2024

The Kamal Toe


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to break this down so you can read the quotes and hopefully the entire articles to comprehend the Obama Dope World which was created by Birther Hussein battling for control in this invasion of the West in the Obama 3rd world implosion

What we have before us are two futures. Donald Trump is the chosen candidate for a realigned global economic system which will be national socialism Shylock with the Meisterkrieg rocking the cradle.

Kamala Harris is a product of global Marxism Shylock in the worldwide dope trade backed by Peking chemicals and Latin cartels.

In short, the history of Kamala Harris was to throw into jail black kids in San Francisco, bankrupt the poor families, so Jewish land dealers could seize property as Mayor Feinstein brought in sexual deviant homos and pedophiles to sell the land to in making San Fran a city without poor Niggers. The Niggers got expelled to the Mojave Desert.

In shorter explanation, the chief competitor to Kamala flatbacking her way to the Obama top was a Japanese public defender who got himself murdered as the cops went Jan6 on him.

Before cheerleading and volunteering for candidate Kamala Harris, black journalists and sorority members need to become aware of her murky background as a relentless prosecutor and persecutor of low-income African American and Asian families forced out of their homes in San Francisco to make way for the influx of decadent white gays - all just to line the pockets of the Democrat cronies of Dianne Feinstein from appreciative Jewish-dominated real estate insiders. At the time, her ruthless operation to arrest vulnerable black youths exploited as runners by Cartel-linked thugs accounted for millions, indeed billions in campaign donations and monetary gifts to the politically correct “race neutral” city leaders, their flunky police chiefs and insider lawyers for the drug lords, including defense attorney Willie Brown, the suitor and then lover of Ms. Kamala - which on the streets rendered her nickname Kamel Toe. At the time, everyone assumed her ruthless quest to imprison black kids was possible because her high-tone mother was from the elitist caste in India. Her black father, then a science student, who was an immigrant student from Jamaica (the capital of the notoriously crazed and lethal dope-smuggling “:posse(s)”, was never mentioned in the local Hearst press.

Today the nation faces a far greater threat than the murder of a public-interest crusader with the cut-throat Harris emerging the Democrat presidential nominee - after backstabbing Joe Biden and possibly tampering with his prescription medicine - the modus operandi that’s been the secret of her witchy success. Her old sponsors in the Cartel have recently scored a coup in the Mexican elections with the victory of the Jewish female candidate Claudia Sheinbaum as successor to the fentanyl-allied AMLO aka Lopez Obredo. The campaign of pervasive violence and threats, much like what’s just happened at the Venezuelan polls by “leftists” aka minions of drug lords.

This is having a massive impact on the USA under the Biden-AMLO deal for a wide-open border for foodstuffs and other goods to be transported on Mexican-registered truck into the USA, the open door for covert military operations. The policy of equal symmetry between both nations would be perfected symbolically by the electoral victory of Kamala as the soul-mate of Claudia. This system of matriarchal dominance is visibly apparent here in New Mexico and the neighboring Chihuahua region, where 4-women groups of matriarchs control drug trafficking and its rewards - investment in bars, dance halls, cafes, art galleries and loan sharking. This criminal matriarchy fits the agenda of corrupted feminist to a tee. From this cross-border perspective, Kamala is a puppet of the Cartel

So now you know what Kamala Harris is, in this Eric Holder globalist and Obama Birther fellow travelers.

This is running into another Peter Theil hedgefund homo faction who is going to do crypto coin and in making war on China is going to cut off the Peking profits laundered by the Mexican mafia and Jewish finance in eliminating this competitor group.

One should expect with Kamala and her kosher penis husband with Kosher Mexican el presidente to have Mexican soldiers patroling inside America and an open control of the mafia inside even the remote parts of America with  their 180 million invaders taking up space.

Trump Plans To Send Kill Teams to Mexico to Take Out Cartel Leaders

May 7, 2024 ... Trump has told allies about his plans to covertly send Special Forces to Mexico to assassinate drug kingpins, sources say.

Republicans Want America to Invade Mexico. That's a Terrible Idea.

Nov 3, 2023 ... Lindsey Graham followed their lead, telling Fox News that he would “tell the Mexican government, if you don't clean up your act, we're going to ...

You probably have a more complete idea who someone with lots of other shooters appeared in Butler to end the Trump campaign in what was backing the Bidencon and Obama Inc.

Just for your understanding.

Nuff Said

Rocky Burnette Tired of Toein' the Line - YouTube

Feb 6, 2022 ... Tired of Toein' the Line official music video is performed by Rocky Burnette in 1980. The one-hit-wonder song peaked at #8 on the US ...
