Monday, August 12, 2024

Strolling in Butler for an Assassination


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are more bits and pieces of the Butler assassination field which gives more insights to that day and more insights into how much we do not know.

In the above photo of said Thomas Crooks on the roof who is said to have just been shot at by a Pennsylvania SWAT member coming out of the north barn. Considering that the SS Snipers on top could not see Crooks as a tree was in the way, no one has taken a photo of the reality of this celebrated shooter who is supposed to have fire a round which distracted Crooks, for 10 seconds when a South Barn SS Sniper put a bullet through his bridge work. In this photo we can not see if he turns toward the south again for a mouth shot, or if he is still looking west which would mean he should be getting a bullet through the side of his head.

This is not a person who just had law enforcement fire a bullet at his head from the north. This is a person looking at people screaming at him from the west.

You may visit this Lame Cherry exclusive to reintroduce yourself, to who the above shooter is, as there were two dead bodies on that roof.


Watching A Head Explode At An Assassination


What if the funding of this came out of Ukraine

In this photo we see Mr. Crooks north of where he got his brains blows out. This photo is interesting in analysis as the time of day by the shadow by the sign post, indicates it is just before 1 AM. Mr Crooks was on scene a very long time before the Swat first noted him a few hours later.

For this duo in one running on the roof and the other crawling on the roof, someone was on the roof long before the shooting in marking out the ridges which were aligned with the windows below and the blind spots.

Interesting in Crooks was using a drone to fly over this area.

The following photo is the South Barn team it is said. Now we have a bit of a problem in the white tents for Trump's entrance on the end of these 3 barns. This photo appears looking at the barn with no barns behind it. So this is looking south and then on the east end.

Now for the problems  in the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The snipers in order to shoot Crooks should have to be on the west end of the barn, if they are on the east end, they will shoot the North Snipers in the back of the head.

Problem deuce and this one is as important as the first in the South Barn Secret Service Snipers are supposed to be FACING SOUTH FOR SECURITY FOR DONALD TRUMP as facing north just has their noses up the North Teams asses.

No one has noted or explained this.

The last is the infamous Crooks photo crawling up the roof. Problem with this is, the AC unit is in the front that he is supposed to have gotten on to get on the roof.instead he is on the edge of the east side of the building VERY NEAR THAT EDGE. There is not a great deal of time in this sequence as Crooks crawls, is supposed to have shot, then shot 5 time more, is delayed by a cop shooting at him from the north barn area, and 10 seconds later is shot through the teeth.

I will repeat HE IS ON THE EDGE. If you review the actual corpse of this person, he was shot 20 ridges in or over 40 feet.  Thomas Crooks was shot not on this edge and yet his body was 30 feet further in.

It's a lovely world of questions and answers which still do not make sense in the more we know.

Nuff Said
