Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Chain Gang For President Elect Safety


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the giant FU to President Elect has come through in  HAARP recharged and is going to make the inauguration as cold as it was when Reagan had trumpet players freezing their lips, tooting their horns at him.

Donald Trump deserved a nice day after the witch hunt and I'm sorry about HAARP targeting this special day.

As it is, this popular girl poor orphan girl has a suggestion for making this a safe day for all.

I expect this to be in the Rotunda, with enough time lapsed to air out the aroma of dead Jimmy Carter. This is what the Lame Cherry suggests for safety and am serious.

I think 47 should order that Christopher Wray of FBI, Bill Burns of CIA, General Fag Milley of the Pentagon, and that Netanyahu boy hiding out in Florida from the genocide wars his old man is unleashing, should all be handcuffed to the pillars in the Rotunda. The thought is, that if someone is  going to do some plotted harm as before, that one of these pigs will squeal to save themselves as they are in on things.
Nothing like having 4 eminent guests, standing by 47 to keep him safe and to make the confess whatever they know to save themselves.

That little chain gang will keep the President elect and Vice President elect safer than 10,000 Secret Service agents.

This is something for Trump Trans to consider in being prudent as HAARP is moving this inside, which is DARPA, the Pentagon, Big Energy, Big Chem and that global order of international socialists.

Nuff Said

Chain Gang, Sam Cooke - YouTube

(Hoh! Ah!) I hear something saying (Hoh! Ah!) (Hoh! Ah!)(Well don't you know) That's the sound of the men, Working on the chain, ga-ang That's the sound of t...
