Thursday, December 20, 2007

Of signs to wonder..........

I have become part of something which is much bigger than I ever comprehended nor ever contemplated this would ever lead. When I relate the aspects of the subject, many will perhaps roll their eyes in not caring and others will bristle in hatred and some will champion the cause and others in the minority will ponder the message and wonder just what it all means.

I like most people in this world receive my information through the visual media and that is who I was introduced to a person named George. I didn't really care about him, could have cared less of his history and never went in search of him at all.
Destiny though by God's hand led me to him time and again.

My great hatred as a child was the Great Plains as they are a brutal place in destroying dreams. They will either kill you or the things you love or kill the things you are trying to grow. You will watch wicked hot winds wither plants and those same wicked freezing winds will have you watch animals simply wither from this life to frozen silence.
It is in this death by a thousand mistresses that one sees life where others only see nothingness as far as the eye may was in my wilderness that I began a search of stories of the times of those plainsmen like me who God somehow survived to live another day.

I found them in Teddy Roosevelt who came to life on the plains after the death of his wife. I found them in Francis Parkman the greatest historian the world has ever known. I found them in Col. Richard Irving Dodge and begrudgingly I found them first in.........that George, who wrote a book "My Life on the Plains"........and then that wife of his about her life on the plains.
I even found them in a book of the George and Elizabeth Custer personal letters which I had no intention of buying on Ebay, but somehow did in that thrown out old library book........and I started to learn that George Custer was nothing at all like the person Hollywood, Indians and "experts" had been trying to make him for years.

.........and last night I found something in Signs to wonder over to play on Biblical Words.

As a profiler of the human creature, I can tell you that people who have "hate" or "causes" are uncomfortable in their own skin. People who hate, loathe themselves and as people have a failsafe in them of not by God's grace in easily destroying themselves........they naturally turn and vent that hatred on others. George Custer is for some reason beyond this world a lightning rod of hate..........all in a man whose constant phrase in life was quoting Lincoln, "Of malice toward none and charity toward all".
Even my used library book was filled with hate which I erased when not in ink of some little person in Florida making "quotes" about George Custer in the passages of the book. It was blind hatred not of this world but another realm.

It was of all places on a former New York Times liberal writers website where I was reading last night in between blurbs of hatred at George Bush to George Custer that I found a most startling letter in full which I had only read in part before.

The letter was an account of the 1876 campaign from Fort Lincoln in North Dakota by Lt. Edward Godfrey, who in later years would become General Godfrey.
What caught my eye was the strangeness of the events surrounding George Custer's last months in people who were not ever in recorded letters noticing omens which were looked upon as evil.

The first one I ever read was Elizabeth Custer recording on the morning the 7th Cavalry left Fort Lincoln how the fog gave the perception that half the troop was riding up in the sky. She took it as a sign.

I would read of Capt. Grant Marsh of the supply ship, Key West, who supplied the Terry/Custer column in a letter to President Roosevelt speaking of a sign that the mail was swept away, but recovered and he looked upon the letters drying on his deck as a sign akin to corpses of the 7th Cavalry.

Lt. Godfrey would record 3 signs among the 7th Cavalry, the first a Lt. Wallace after General Custer gave a very different talk to the officers unlike he had ever done before, Lt. Wallace told Godfrey he though Custer was going to die, because he just was acting different.
Wallace would again recall to Godfrey, the day a strong south wind was blowing and the company standard blew down. He picked it up and stuck the post in the ground again to only have to blow down to the back of the line again, and finally sticking it in the ground leaning to a sage brush, Wallace would remark, "I took it as a bad sign that we were going to suffer defeat".

The last sign was a soldier at the Reno/Benteen stand who refused to go on a charge to drive the Indians off who were about to overrun the area they were holding. He just laid in his trench and cried.
Lt. Godfrey would remark, "We charged and none of us were injured and we returned to our trenches, and what would you think happened, but the crying soldier who had a premonition he would die, was shot and died there".

I know George Custer before every battle prayed and commended himself and his loved ones to the Father in heaven. I know some Cheyenne laid a curse on Custer after the Washita........I also know no power in this world can harm a Christian permanently, but I know I have almost died under attacks from the devil in the past years due to actively engaging the force of evil.

Something demonic was after George Custer. It appears that all God's grace in the protection which saved him numerous times in the Civil War and the Plains Wars was such a fevered hatred that the people from Indians with their bad god, the profiteers with their money god and the "christians" who thought Indians gang raping women, bashing in baby's brains and scalping them were the saintly people and those who Custer personified were the evil.

I can point to this same insane hatred which plagues George Bush. I can explain psychologically why liberals hate him so much in fright, but this vehement hatred is not all of this world as it is only kindled here and set ablaze in the spiritual realm agitating the slaves of such things here.
In relating this to my Mother today she just said puzzled, "It makes no sense in people hating someone they have never met, never known and who never did anything to them".

Not in this world it does not.

What is occurring is spiritual wounds which without Jesus the Christ never heal, but ooze and bleed a spiritual anguish which only heightens in misery. I can not discern why common mortals like George Custer have this vehemence aimed at them for purposes of the devil stoking emotions of people adrift, but evidence is certain George Custer is still hated in a nurtured hate which comes not of this world but from another where lost souls and cast out demons still are intensely furious over a Job too much blessed.

George Custer in the last days of his life was a changed person. It seems apparent President Grant had broken him by taking away his command and humiliating him..........yet in his letters to his wife, he was being prudent and telling her he was enjoying himself campaigning the way he was........almost like a boy on an adventure.
Yet it appears others were discerning a lamb was being led to the slaughter. Sitting Bull cut 100 flesh offerings off his arms for a vision.........and the Bible says God abhores any type of offering like that, so one can discern just who those offerings stimulated.

Perhaps it was a prophecy by George Custer himself who stated it would take another Fetterman Massacre before Congress would move to support the military and clean up the injustices on the plains to soldiers and Indians alike, a massacre he was led out to and betrayed in.

I do know that George Custer when he was hounded in a court martial to cover up another General's incompetence recorded in history that every officer was soon arrested for being drunk and themselves moved out of the service.........

that a historical fact remains in the assassination of George Custer.........

Sitting Bull, murdered.

Crazy Horse, murdered.

President Grant, a horrid death from throat cancer after he had financial ruin.

Maj. Marcus Reno, court martialled out of the service in disgrace.

Capt. Frederick Benteen, court martialled out of the service with a hatred for George Custer which only grew to an infreno as the years passed.

Something is going on here and the signs are there to wonder over in just what God is doing in showing this to me.


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// \\ God bless the Good