Wednesday, February 13, 2008

NFL Football another haven of Clinton Liberals

Roger Goodell took over as NFL commissioner with high hopes of cracking
down on criminals in the NFL, but soon enough took after Michael Vick on
dog fighting charges joining PETA and then decided a "green" NFL was
another liberal agenda which the league needed to give a love kiss to.

Gone were the promotions for helping children and community, but in was
hugging trees.
Fans should have figured something was amiss with the Goodell NFL when
Keith Olberman, Chris Collinsworth and Bryant Gumbel were the featured
celebrity commentators.........all of which are pure liberals spewing
hatred whether by race or bigotry.

The slippery slope of Roger Goodell though is now coming to a head by
Sen. Arlen Specter starting to investigate the illegal taping of NFL
games for cheating by the New England Patriots.
Goodell fined Belichik and took away a number one draft pick from them
next season.........and stated if any more evidence showed up that he
would revisit the case.

The problem is Goodell destroyed all the evidence which in light of
connecting the dots which I hope Sen. Specter starts connecting is that
Goodell is no different than the criminal garbage the liberal Clinton's
pulled in their years at the White House.

Sen. Specter was told today by Goodell that Coach or Cheater Belichick
have been illegally taping games since 2000. The first light of this
cheating was charged at the Patriots Jets game earlier this year.
With this I want to save the public and Sen. Specter some time in
deciphering exactly what happened.

Belichick is a cheater. He cheated in all of his games and in his narrow
Super Bowl victories, that cheating cost 3 other teams Super Bowls.
Here am I particularly incensed as one of those teams was the Pittsburgh
Steelers who the Patriots defeated in the playoffs after a 15-1 season.
The Steelers and the entire AFC have been cheated out of their positions
to gain the Super Bowl for the past 7 years.
Let us not mince words here. Belichick in taping these tames has an
arsenal of inside information which benefits him and the Patriots for
years no matter if new tapes are taken or not. The Jets main complaint
in addition to taping was New England somehow had "more radio
frequencies and other teams were having troubles with the ones alloted
If Belichick got caught taping there is a much more deeper cheating
scenario going on.

It is of special note that it was the Jets, whose coach used to work for
Belichick was complained first and broke this story wide open. Yes, a
former coach not liking Belichick cheating against him blew the whistle
on his old boss.

It is this I want to address what really happened.

The Jets reported Belichick and threatened the NFL if something was not
done a they had the proof. Roger Goodell knowing the disaster this was
collected the evidence, talked to Belichick and Mr. Kraft who owns the team.
They of course denied all knowledge, but amazingly a Tom Walsh who did
most of the taping mysteriously disappeared to Hawaii where he is not a
"golf pro" teaching golf.
Yes that looks exactly what it looks like in Goodell allowed Kraft to
pay off in hush money Tom Walsh and send him as far away from the world
as possible to become lost.

Goodell then destroyed all the evidence and figured the entire situation

I want to repeat that. The Patriots "perfect" season was just like
McGuire and Sosa's home run BS a few years ago. The NFL agreed to allow
the Patriots to win in it's network to cover up what would have had fans
The Giants though as usual when the NFL is promoting black quarterback
and receiver combos as when they destroyed the Minnesota Vikings in the
playoffs instead beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl.
As a side note, Randy Moss the female assaulter was present in Minnesota
and now in New England. Apparently, bad things follow this creep
everywhere he plays.

Goodell thought he had this all covered up, because what would fans
think if the real NFL started showing up. Referees answering to gambling
point spreads changing the outcomes of games as the year they tried to
have the Steelers loose to the Colts in taking an interception from
them. The League promoting "blacks" and letting them play to bring in
more revenue from black audiences to this most distasteful of all
crowing the Patriots league leaders when they are league cheaters.

How on earth does Goodell take back 3 Super Bowls? Does he give rings to
the NFC teams..........or in the year when Pittsburgh was defeated after
15-1 do the Steelers deserve the ring over the NFC team the Patriots
cheated against to win.
That is why Goodell has joined the cover up Clinton liberals in trying
to hide this disaster from fans as how do even the players now deal with
their battered bodies knowing a championship was stolen from them by the
New England Patriots.

None of that can ever be made up for, but the NFL's fans and players do
indeed deserve justice.
The Justice I ask for is simple.

Fire Roger Goodell.

Ban for life Bill Belichick from the NFL.

Make Mr. Kraft sell the Patriots and ban him for life from ever owning a
When Mr. Walsh squeals, whoever covered this up and paid him off should
be indicted and face prison time.

The Patriots have their Super Bowl victories negated and the NFC teams
awarded the victory with the asterisk of the AFC teams included as
having a stake in probable winners in a Super Bowl if they had played,
but were stopped by New England cheating.

Furthermore, the staffs and starting players of the Patriots be
suspended for 1 year from the NFL and if evidence emerges the players or
staff took active roles or knew intimately what was occurring they will
be banned for life too.

Unlike the other idiot drama's about baseball or Hollywood which
Congress wastes time and money on, this NFL situation is criminal and
now a criminal cover up.

Roger Goodell was swift and without mercy in hammering Michael Vick for
brutalizing dogs. It is time Commissioner Goodell receive the same harsh
treatment if he does not immediately resign.

NFL fans deserve a fair game and not the stinking, rotten mess of
liberals like the Clintons defecating in a game children watch and play.