Saturday, March 22, 2008

Brother can you spare a Sister

In reading of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, all found it a mournful sorrow to see the inequity of the poor always among us as Jesus stated they would be.

Some even now want to tax the situation away, but as I notice with $80,000 black and hispanic baby welfare programs and trillions spent upon Lyndon Johnson's Great Society that all that has happened is the Middle Class has become the poor class, the poverty class has become a self loathing sloven class and the rich are still stealing, murdering and raping all classes.........while Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Mrs. John Edwards all talk about the "poor" whom their communist buddies like George Soros and Warren Buffet in "economic investment" are enslaving worse by stressing economies so they can rape them.

America's welfare plan is a disaster in taking virtue from the poor in taking work from them and so enslaving a free middle class it is impoverished while rich citizens strive in even more guilt not having God in their lives to spend more of other people's money in taxes to "make up for this phobic obsession which drives them". That it is past time for this psychopathic and sociopathic nation to receive a doctor's cure.
The rich demoliberal even has America's pimped out, pierced up, needle stuck doped out throw away children doing "community service" to teach them secular morals........not working my liberals Americans as you behold the heathen looking children who make the children of Sodom look moral by comparison.

I believe a two year mandate must be enforced on all Americans in a brother can you adopt some American program. In it rich people will adopt a poor or middle class person who will receive all their wages for one year instead of like John Kennedy donating his check as President back to the Treasury.
The rich people will then be paid for 40 hour weeks at minimum wage and learn to make do.

Of course in the is big brother liberal mischief of meddling in people's lives and wages, which is exactly what Congress has been doing since welfare started, there have to be safeguards for these now poor rich people as they will need guidance so they don't blow the whole wad and end up poor again after 1 year.
Half the wages will be used from rich people to pay off a house or buy one they can afford on taxes AFTER the gravy train departs town. The rest will be a retirement fund they can not touch and a fund for each child they only receive in not going to prison, but instead being paid to go to college........another institutional body which will only work for minimum wage until they figure out socialism and communism which these liberally love makes them poor too. We must educate our professors.

In this way, people from Rush Limbaugh to Rosie O'Donnell can in their meager beginnings return to a stroll down poverty lane for 2 years while really helping someone else and people like Ted Turner and Warren Buffet can really live out their communist dreams in being one with the masses.

As Congress likes stealing money legally and redistributing it, the above is all quite legal and we might as well have done with it in a few years. I would assume that there are at least 3 millionaire or richer people in this nation, so by the end of 2 years 6 million poor people would be taken off the welfare doles and America would save a fortune.
The beauty is no taxes would be lost to government and government would take off more poor people and working class people out of debt than have been "moving on up" since the Jefferson's moved into uptown Chicago.

The only reason I would support this is Americans are not going to stop spending welfare money of any kind and not until the rich suffer in knowing what poverty is are middle class people going to get some tax relief. Teddy Kennedy can be a ward of Joanie for two years and eat tuna noddle bake........he won't starve like most rich people have rich friends cheating the government and hiding funds.

So there, it all works out for the best in doing more to advance Americans than in the 40 years of liberal "Great Society" which has turned America into a Pagan Society.

Brother will not have to spare a dime anymore for the poor. Brother can now spare a sister in America of poverty and pay for them in their old age in one year. Great plan and it doesn't cost normal taxpayers one dime and the rich aren't going to miss their two years of checks as John Kennedy never missed his.
