Monday, March 3, 2008

Body Language

The figures on the left are Tom Daschle and Barack Obama. If both of them look like they are 8 year olds waiting for a potty break you pretty well have their body language figured out.

What caught my attention though was Daschle last night on Charlie Rose talking about Obama. Daschle is one of the big tunas in the Obama campaign and I heard some things which only make sense if one knows Tom Daschle.

The preface in this is Tom Daschle is a liar and a thin skinned lying shill for the globalist Rockefeller cartel. He is not upper level, but a sort of junior exec like foundling Obama. They get to attend the meetings about the meetings that people like Zbignev Brzezinski attend. Zig is the handler for Obama who was just in Syria telling Assad that the Jews were going to blow up Gaza and if he moved the US would kill him with a jdam from a B 1.
Zig has great plans like starting a war with China to break it up in pieces so it will be easy to manage and starting a war with Russia over Kosovo so the Rockefellers and Rothschilds can get back all those Russian oil wells and minerals Putin has been collecting that were their's under the Czar's and Soviets.

Daschle repeated last night several times that his boy Barack was inexperienced, a short career and the that "He hoped the magic would continue to the nomination and in the general election".
Not exactly a cheerleader and more like an operative trying to sink Obama as much as his clever line of "McCain's career is long and Obama's career is short" translation it means, "McCain is a geezer who will croak in office and Obama is the teenage kid whose finger should not be on nuclear weapons".

Now why would Daschle do such a thing? Well there is a reason I named him Dickhead Daschle years go.

To understand this election you have to understand all what was going on. See Billary were all lined up for their coronation when Bill got it in his head to take another cash flow to join his Marc Rich bribes. This time it was from a Canadian who Bill helped steal (sell) all the uranium in Kazakhstan to be sold to Chinese communists. The cartel does not appreciate what they deem as their world being sold without their cut and direction.....even if it is the bastard son of a Rockefeller in Willy Clinton.
So Billary was going to be punished. The most humiliating thing which the cartel eugenics crowd could come up with is having the racist Clintons be made to take a dive so Obama would win.
You must understand puppet Obama was created for the reason to make blacks think they could sit at massah's table too. He was never intended to be a nominee, but a plan was staged where John Edwards would gather delegates for the convention, Obama would have his delegates and Hillary her delegates. There would be enough "scandal" in Clinton sex tapes if Hillary did not take a dive along with the Obama indictment by Patrick Fitzgerald or his sodomite sex now being exposed where the Democratic delegates would be herded to vote for a savior in Al Gore.

Mike Bloomberg of New York, a fellow comrade is the intended Vice President for Gore when he is drafted.

What is key in this is both Daschle and Brzezinski are Obama's handlers keeping an eye on the shop from the inside helping it implode when the time is right.

Daschle to understand him in his lies is this. He floated the idea he would run for president knowing very well he was puff pastry. He was simply auditioning to be Hillary Clinton's stooge so he could be White House chief of staff in her cabinet. Dashle's problem is though the Clintons can spot a dumb bastard a mile away and Daschle might be worthy to carry Monica's cum bucket, but he is a stooge and a hireling.....not of the Royal Rockefeller clique.
Daschle was humiliated and dismissed so sucking it up he was assigned by the Rockefeller's to Obama to keep an eye on things as he soon figured out the cartel was taking Hillary down and making her fall on her sword.
What no one seems to notice is how horrid Obama is. Billary has tried everything from racism to acting crazy and Obama is barely getting by. I predicted weeks ago Hillary will win Ohio as all the eastern states are full of white racist liberals of the Letterman cocktail crowd.
The key now is though that Hillary has been allowed to put her dentures back in and is taking bites out of Obama wholesale. She is finally looking pleased again in ruining someone as it galled her to be tossing this election and Obama could not seal the deal.

As Rush Limbaugh stated a deal has been worked out for Hillary. Daschle hinted she will lead the Senate. Limbaugh states it will be the Supreme Court. See Hillary has taken her punishment and when she brings down Obama so a real racist white liberal can be drafted she will be ok with the cartel again.....yeah and the Rockefellers and Rothschilds will get their uranium back too somehow.

Dashle though tonight on Rose looked like a cross between Dr. Strangelove and Dr. Phil. He was quite quiet bizarre Daschle who "let slip" he had been in communist China. The cartel dispatched Daschle to work a deal concerning the coming Democratic nominee in Gore as sending Zig is not too popular as the Chicoms have read his book about breaking the China into rubble and appointing a new slave master there too to exploit the slaves there for Walmart billions.

None of this is over and Rose in his globalist position was informing America it was not over. Daschle even went so far as to inform the world that Hillary is not going away and it is going to be nasty.

Barack Obama the foundling created to bring in black votes has no idea he has surrounded himself with globalist KKK. He has placed his trust in blackness which they hate and sodomy which is only condoned if one is a globalist pedophile of elite toned skin.

The Clintons have been humiliated and punished and I would not want to a Chris Matthews or some other dink like Obama when they draw the knives out. Teddy Kennedy proving he is the biggest buffoon of that Irish mob the cartel hates is going to get another humiliating notch on his belt when this turns into Obama is a problem.

Sure the cartel has that liberal McCain in the race, sure Obama is puppet of puppets, but they want Al Gore. Daschle made it a distinct point tonight that he wants to TALK CLIMATE....notice it is not global warming any more but climate change since the sun dimmed and the world has had the worst winter in 60 years. Al Gore is getting a green over right now and while handing out Soylent crackers to the desperate masses promising them a handout in every pot....he will be the phoenix and Barack Obama will be......well another Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton sniffing about the door looking for handouts again.

The cartel about has this pulled off and Daschle was signalling as much tonight like Charlie Schumer of New York was signalling 2 weeks ago in calling both Clinton and Obama liars.

With Hillary's mission now to to cripple Obama, act 2's curtain is descending and act 3 of Lady MacBeth meets Richard III is about to form a new Shakespeare tragedy.
The body language of a Midsummer Night's Nightmare.

God where is Ronald Reagan when America requires him and Patton.

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