Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Conversation

You see it's all so very simply done in the reason the world wide web is
termed a web as once you enter it you are caught and once you touch it
it's sticky fibers forever resonate wherever you are and whatever else
you are doing.

For example, a smart mouthed lurker visits a site like this one and they
always have all the operating systems from Microsoft so the serial
number embeds and receives a Google cookie which the web crawlers it
employs pick up every time you visit a site and spout off about Lame
Cherry saying something about how lame it is which is a typical moronic
response to a "season" word.
As you vibrate across the web the spiders start mining data from your
computer to track your activities and the chief trojan is your Internet
Service Provider.

The web hubs by Cisco control flow and every time you ping across the
net from porn to one of the set up sites meant to monitor key groups
from ivillage to rense to the New York Times your psychological patterns
are keyed.
One reason Drudge is so successful is his group knows the key
psychological lures to attract both political spectrum's and sites like
Newsbusters flounder as their type do not amass in numbers, but are the
rugged individual.

Once the key file is created in ISP and web tracks accumulate the
servers start tapping all home address, web billing and that leads to
banking, government files and that means the key number in social security.
The time it has been required to read this is already a thousand times
longer than it takes to set up this data and mine it. The slowest part
in this is the human resource end processing the alert all tracked back
to your computer and home.
The FBI has profile protocols and you have just been listed in what you
are whether you are flattered or not.

The listening then taps into cell phones for key words logged and the
preferred dsl as grabbing things out of the air is much faster. Your new
car in the reason they have junked all the old ones transmits your
location as much as your cell phone and you dear lurker are bagged
before you even realize it.

If phase two is initiated from the human resource, then beyond your data
will include coming in on your land lines which include electrical and
satellite imagery with resonant listening to see exactly just what the
mouthy lurker is up to.
You are an addict to the grid and even if you decide to hide you will
have another addict in your ring of associates who just can not give it
up and dear lurker so once brave behind your computer screen and so bin
Laden hiding now have associates creating a shadow image of you as you
inflect dialogue in your voice patterns, shopping patterns and water use

I know, because I know you better than you know your smug little self.
I know about your special treats, know about your special days, know
about your trusted associates from 50 years ago because you just can't
keep your mouth shut and they can't help but mention figuratively or
literally who you are.

I don't need any 666 tag as I watch you on traffic cameras, banking
cameras and on satellite sweeps. I have your patterns and I have you so
deep that even running in your "free" life I have you imprisoned as you
are in my complete world.

So you may screech like Steve Webber on Huffington Post about George
Orwell in 1984 or you may rant like Jeff Rense about evil or you may
just agree with Drudge. It does not matter, because I have them in brown
skin colors in the Middle East, yellow skin colors in Asia, black skin
colors in Africa and even pink skin colors in Wales.
Why do you think you get spam? I control the money flow it brings in and
it funds the purpose of you revealing to the system all you do not know
about yourself.

I know about you though and I have all the data stored and processed in
the tracks you leave. I know what you will be doing tomorrow and what
psychologically you have planned for next year in the control conditions
I implement.

Enjoy your day........or is it enjoy my day you are existing in.