Saturday, April 19, 2008

Richard Quest: The Queer Quest

Several months ago I was banned from the Arianna Huffington Post site for pointing out truths like why is it liberal women think Bill Clinton raping women is normal..........because these same liberal women get roughed up by their husbands.

Why is it that Lee Woodruff, blonde bimbo wife of Bob Woodruff of brain damaged ABC, can blog on Huffington Post that the way one deals with sexual perverts is to "give them Penthouse"......because these women think one deals with sex by feeding sexual perversion.

Why is it that Bill Maher rises to the ranks by treating women like the cum dumps he whores them to be, uses the f word in every third word, hates Catholics with a phobia and his favorite religion is worshiping animals in beastiablity...........because Maher hides all the truths liberals are couched in perversity.

I pointed out that Maher knows just like Woodruff and Huffington all the pedophiles, rapists and beastiality homosexuals who are their bosses and friends. They know who is getting assigned to southeast Asia and who was assigned to southeast Asia all so they can rape children, but it is all swept under the rug as those are just those "brown skinned people" and that is what they are meant for.
These liberals know exactly which boss at their power parties who got the intern drugged and then raped them convincing them they are now another "homosexual" and screwing their lives up forever.
These liberals know exactly why their Phil Donahue friends "what goes on behind closed doors" does not matter in shoving gerbils up their rectums and all the unGodly garbage they are doing, but they all keep their mouths shut because what is going on behind their closed doors makes Peyton Place look like celibate meeting.

Behold the above in Richard Quest on a Queer Quest in a public park just like there are queers defacing public parks in every major American city. Quest rose through the ranks at CNN to be a top dog........and how many bend over positions did he assume to get his job? You figure it out as this guy does not have a face for television.

So Richard Quest, being CNN's moral compass is found in Central Park, naked, with a rope around his neck and testicles, with meth in his possession at around 4 am on a cold morning, a sex toy in his boot in a park which was closed.

The same Central Park where children play every day. Gee Richard Quest what a wonderful park present you leave in semen, your feces and whatever else you care to deposit in wiping off what you are perversely doing.

This is what all the liberals in media know what is going on every day as they are engaged in this same sick acting out and don't dare burst their brothel bubble as that is one of the perks of working for the big media.

Just read the above over again and then start beholding Arianna Huffington, Bill Maher, Bob Woodruff, Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric, Les Moonves, Brian Williams, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, John Roberts and all you see from Frank Rich to Eleanor Clift because they all know the dirty deeds and are either directly involved or are enabling it.

Richard Quest is disgusting in all that this creature is and he proves why I was banned from bringing this all out months ago.
