Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dear Mr. Susan Sarandon

Tim Robbins, you recently gave a speech or rant to the National
Association of Broadcasters about the dangerous lack of diversity in
broadcasting, but first opened with an apology to Rush Limbaugh, Bill
O'Reilly and other right wing pundits for exposing you as Saddam lover,
terrorist supporter and traitor.

Your crux was that since no weapons of mass destruction were found you
were somehow right.
Mr. Sarandon, with your bastard children from and unmarried relationship
to Ms. Sarandon, you need to actually educate yourself in secular
knowledge as you have betrayed moral understanding to find:

The US confiscated 1.77 tons of weapons grade uranium of French
socialist refinement of Niger origin which Val Plame and Joe Wilson were
trying to keep hidden to protect the Clintons whom you voted for.
Check the Israeli intelligence facts that Syria received 2 plane loads
of biological weapons from Saddam.
Check the facts in the dead Christians in Darfur were murdered by
Saddam's pilots dropping chemical weapons on them.

I realize for an actor paid millions that using a search engine might be
over your head in typing in words and searching, but maybe your children
have some Iraqi pen pal children they are aiding and writing to educate
you on the situation in Iraq as I know you must be as a liberal funding
several brown skinned Iraqi families and not just spending your days
screaming in a fornicating relationship.

Maybe Mr. Sarandon, you should apologize to your children for exposing
them to your idiocy and your immorality.
Maybe Mr. Sarandon, you should apologize to brown skinned Iraqi's who
you deem subhuman in demanding them to be left to the butchery of Saddam
and turned over to the butchery of radicals demanding US troops "get out
of Iraq".

and maybe, Mr. Sarandon, you should apologize to every United States
family after the first month of liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan where
your bitching with your leftist cronies so emboldened terrorists that
the every dead soldier, maimed soldier and every dead and maimed Iraqi
was created by you and your consorts and their blood is on your hands.

You are worse than stupid Mr. Robbins. You are pure vile idiocy akin to
the filmongers who made moves in Nazi Germany equating Jews with rats.
They caused the work camps deaths of Jews, Catholics and Gypsies.

You Tim Robbins have caused the murder and maiming of thousands of good

If you haven't heard it before, SHUT UP, as you don't have sense enough
to know the excrement which you consider thought is creating a cesspool
in this world.

Tim Robbins you are an accomplice in the murder of Iraqi, Afghani,
American, Spanish, British and Kurdish peoples.

In a just world you would be tried for the crimes against humanity
criminal you are.