Thursday, April 10, 2008

John McCain Analysis

Having been waiting to see the foreign policy advisers John McCain has
chosen, it should behoove the United States to understand that his team
is quite hands on in policy in utilizing the correct course.

While Lawrence Eagleburger is not on board, Eableburger is of the
brilliant Vernon Walters diplomacy which came from World War II in
George Marshall. His statements in the New York Times pretty well lay
out John McCain in the Conservatives are on board forming the genesis of
the McCain policy outlook.

For those using the racial slur of neocons, there are neocons heading
the ticket in Randy Schuenamann who authored the liberate Iraq policy
with ties to neocons in Robert Kagan and Max Boot.
This means pro active policy, especially with the 300 pound gorilla in
the room of Robert Bolton who is Reagan arch Conservative in Jean
Kirkpatrick style.

Henry Kissinger also rounds out the list in informal conversations.
Kissinger is a sound policy persona just as long as he is on your
nation's side as nations he makes policy about usually end up eating a
short stick, but Dr. K always puts a pro American policy first.

What is most important is the people being left out in the whining cold.
That would be occupy Iraq and dismantle it Colin Powell who caused the
major parts of failure in Middle East policy his buddy in Rockefeller
manipulation Dick "plamegate" Armitage and non interference in Iraq as
my handlers in the New World Order are making billions off of Saddam oil
bribes Brent Scowcroft.

McCain has assembled a very pro active US policy team without being
crazed like Ziggy Brzezinski who handles Barack blow up Pakistan Obama
and China or lunatic Wes Clark who wants to start a nuclear exchange
with Russia.
There is Reaganesque heavy diplomacy without being crazy and McCain has
shown a veering to Reagan and not Bush 43.

What that entails is IF John McCain can finally be convinced to pick a
woman like Lynn Cheney or have Condi Rice quit playing cute in wanting
to be VP and yet saying she doesn't, that on US foreign policy a secure
team is starting to unfold.
If John Bolton can move forward into a cabinet post, then America is in
sound hands as the problem was not Iraq ever, but the Colin Powell types
who are moderates who wanted to make Iraq suckle the US nipple on US
terms 24/7 when history showed from the Babylonians on that one
overthrows those states, keep people in power who can make the camels
run on time and dictate to them while they keep iron fist order.
Powell screwed that up and for that Bush 43 fired him.

The domestic team is still uncertain, but it did not help that Alan
Greenspan who has been running this inflation economy for the
international bankers came out in supporting John McCain.
For that we need Paul Volker to set policy on track and some Milton
Friedman students to set McCain economic policy.

As of today though, John McCain has assembled a team showing he is
presidential in outlook. I hope that the Vernon Walter's corp of
Lawrence Eagleburger will join in as that titan did well for Ronald Reagan.

I still hope for John Lehman as Defense Secretary and now that John
Bolton is in the McCain camp that a President McCain places him as Sec.
of State.
Condi Rice or Lynn Cheney as Vice President and this would be a very
secure US foreign policy team.