Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Misery of Company

I was pondering today a most interesting thing to me as I was beholding sunshine and my little tomatoe seedlings in all their life and joy..........just why is it these past years we as Americans have been treated to constant linking of Iraq to Vietnam, Gitmo to the torture of the North Vietnamese torturing American POW's, impeachment of George Bush like Richard Nixon and the screaming need to end Iraq just like Vietnam was ended by mass marches in Washington.........but no one came.

What America has just been put through is quite psychotic by flashbacking old 60's geezers doped out, sexed out, perverted out and now facing they are about to be buried out in a plot looking back on an existence where their grandchildren don't give a damn about them, except for a cash supply not eaten up in geezer homes............don't give a damn about the 60's, except for the buzz it gives in how to hump, snort and be sloven..........and don't give a damn about the United States of America as they don't know what the hell.....literal hell it is like to exist in any other nation in the world.

These Kennedy, Hillary, Brokaw types........wed to middle aged brats like Rense, Jones and Huffington.........in bed with Marco Kos, Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken fornicating for the truth, getting orgasmic on the high of fame and the flame Molotov Mob cocktails of flat world insanity all conjure a Hugh Hefner viagra crossed rerun of Mad Max in the future.

The 60's misery of hating who they are and wanting to induce a sodomite recruitment mirror image of modern misery so none of the not normal will be alone........having to face themselves in the dark of the night.......and knowing one day that night will close upon their eyes the feature film of Jesus in judgment of them........is just more than a liberal can take.

Maybe all the horrid children now being demoniacs from their horrid tearing down of America....if they can just make Iraq into another Vietnam......if they can just make George Bush into Richard Nixon.......if they can just hate America, Mom, Apple Pie one more time.......then maybe in the safety of numbers in a new mob of their democracy someone will remember them and out vote Jesus in condemning them to the sentence of a crop they sowed and so now richly deserve the harvest of.

Big deal if Christians have the best sex, George Bush has a stable family and Americans love America.........even if they need viagra to get it up, their children need prescriptions to have a happy day and they just can't figure out why the place they hate most is the place everyone in the world would just love to be.

Hopefully, this 60's ilk will die quickly and America when purged of their spawn now in tattoos, piercings and queerdom.......just like Greece was after the thrill was gone and everything was burnt down........America can get back to being an American soul with a body of people alive with the life given by God and the would of this liberal sore will forever heal from the bad trip of spoiled children rotten to their core now old children rotten to their soul trying to drag this nation to a party no one wants to take an acid trip to anymore.

Now back to the sunshine of life
