Monday, April 7, 2008

Ron Paul Muslim Brotherhood

The mandate of the Muslim Brotherhood like Minnesota's Keith Ellison of
Congress is to use "political means" to gain what one wants and if that
fails to resort of physical means to take what one wants...........

Yesterday the Minnesota GOP found itself dealing with Ron Paul
supporters of the same ilk.
GOP leaders were astounded that after a questionaire where delegates
AGREED to support John McCain as the candidate of the GOP as he obtained
the nomination by election..........that several districts had been
hijacked by Ron Paul supporters who lied to questioners on who they
would support.

This kind of lying behavior is complete anarchist and fits Devvy Kidd
and her ilk completely. If one can not scream loud enough, chase Sean
Hannity down the street, invade blogs, fake polls by voting 500 times to
get Ron Paul.........then one resorts to non political means in cheating
to disrupt the convention.

This is unAmerican and straight out of the Muslim Brotherhood.

If and IF Ron Paul of Texas is an American it is past time he refute his
backers from anarchist Devvy Kidd to Christian and Jew hater, but Soviet
Putin lover Jeff Rense, as there cretins are not interested in a
political process, but in chaos to steal what they can not obtain fairly.

For the record, the GOP should throw out all Ron Paul anarchists and let
them go pout with the kooks of the DailyKos as Conservatives like myself
have dealt with liberal John McCain in not wanting him in democrats
voting for him in screwing up the GOP process, by calling for overhauls
in the primary voting so no one can switch parties to the immediate fix
of a strong Conservative woman as the Vice President.

That is pure John Adams politics of the original Republican party in one
works a Benjamin Franklin compromise and is ALWAYS HONEST like Abraham

So Ron Paul and the thugs of Ron Paulia, Mecca awaits you with Muslim
thugs led by Keith Ellison trying to impeach Vice President Cheney in
bringing down the United States government.

This Conservative does not want you brats in the GOP so go find yourself
another party where lying, manipulation and thievery is the accepted
practice.............that sounds like democrats and it is.

Wake up Ron Paulians as that is what you have become.....DEMOCRATS!

....or is it Muslimcrats.