Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Real Muslim Problem and it isn't Spelled Obama

There is a real Islamic problem in the 2008 presidential race and it is
not spelled Barack Hussein Obama, but Huma M. Abedin.

Some might remember her in the United Kingdom story outing her as
Hillary Clinton's lesbian consort, but there is far more to this woman
than just another girl barbie doll sex toy for an old queer.

Abedin is the product of an Indian Pakistan immigrant scholar who lived
in Michigan until she was 2 and the family then moved to Jedah, Saudi
Arabia..........where her father, founded an institute "for interfaith
understanding" and published a journal concerning "Muslim minorities"
living in diaspora.

Anyone knowing anything about money knows one just does not found an
institute nor start publishing journals in America as it costs a fortune
and in Saudi Arabia as it cost a fortune and you will get your head cut
off if it is not government approved.......should start smelling
something fishy here.

Abedin's mother is also an elitist professor of Pakistani who is a
professor in Saudi Arabia at a woman's college and is director of
minority Muslim affairs.

Oh and by the way, Huma Abedin's official title is Traveling Chief of
Staff of the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign. Nice title
considering Patti Solis Doyle a Hispanic and Mark Penn both got the
chopping block for Hillary's lame campaign, but not Ms. Abedin.

Chief of Staff was not always the title of Abedin. In attending, George
Washington University (another quite expensive task) after the death of
her father at age 17, somehow got herself into the White House as a
Clinton not Bill, but Hillary Clinton's intern at the
ripe age of 20 in 1996.

The interesting part of Ms. Abedin is her salary is around nine to ten
thousand dollars with a peak of around $17,000. Now this is not so bad
if all you are doing is carrying Hillary Clinton's bags, but she just
purchased an apartment in a prestigious neighborhood in Washington, DC.
The apartment in her name has a tax value of $515,000 and was sold to
her for $649.000.

If you care to do the math in mortgage loans, even at zero interest, her
not eating anything, having no utility bills, it is going to take her 60
years to pay this apartment off.

Yes the smelly fish is starting to stink now about like a 500 pound
bloated tuna in the hot sun.

Ms. Abedin also has an affection for designer clothes in her favorites
being Oscar de la Renta, Nolan, Malandrino and Prada with an obsession
for Yves Saint Laurent and Marc Jacob's bags at $1300 to $26,000 a piece.
The Clinton's attorney, Robert Barnett, quoted in the New Republic
states in 11 years of knowing Ms. Abedin, "He has never seen her wear
the same clothes twice".

Now some might say a Muslim chica looking like a centerfold might be
given all of this high priced attire and accessories, but last time the
IRS issued a tax policy statement was that all gifts are taxable, so
even at ten grand a year how does Ms. Abedin afford what appears a
hundred thousand dollar clothing budget?

The stinking tuna has become a rotten 10 ton whale on the America beach.

One can mention that Ms. Abedin seems to be at Hillary's home in
Washington always answering the phone very early in the morning and very
late at night as if she lives there. One can mention lesbianism. One can
even mention the common queer nation standard operation that rich old
queers always pick up children as proteges in the exact manner the
ancient Greeks "mentored" pedophilia in the days of old........much like
Bill Clinton practiced on Monica Lewinski. One can though also consider

The Saudi regime is fascist. Vince Foster's body was dumped deliberately
by a competing Middle East faction directly across from their embassy.
The Saudi's have dumped millions into the Wahabbist mosque system
teaching radical Islam, and, just as it is feasible that Chandra Levy
and Monica Lewinsky were doing more than sex with democrats, but working
as moles for foreign powers.........the Muslim moles can be operating as
most of them are in every Conservative and Liberal think tank, political
and private schooling institutions in America.

One just does not buy $649,000 apartments nor elude the IRS unless one
is doing more than carrying luggage at ten thousand dollars a
year........Huma Abedin is connected to money in the Muslim world and is
joined at the hip in America with one Hillary Clinton.

The UK exploded this story as a plant from the financiers desiring to
punish Hillary and Bill for selling uranium which the financiers
considered their own ore to plunder. As quickly as this story surfaced,
someone as in the financiers and Saudi money squelched the story.
Just imagine in bin Laden central, Taliban control and wacko al Qaeda
bomb works if it got out that a Muslim woman was committing the penalty
of death act in homosexuality with a former first bi sexual?
Just imagine what that kind of information in blackmail can move a
President Hillary to bomb camels and not bin Laden as Bill found himself
doing often enough.

This money is not coming from college professors as they do not earn
this much and if it is coming from Hillary just what is Huma doing to
receive it without paying income tax on it or whatever the source.

Barack Obama got the same sweetheart million dollar book deal for his
racist ranting which is unheard of. Too many think tanks and colleges
are putting fellows and advisers on board from Dinesh D'Souza at Hoover
"who is not even a Conservative" to this Huma Abedin following Hillary
around dressed to the nines.

Where are these Muslims finances coming from?

America must have answers.