Monday, September 28, 2009

Meeting Gideon

I was wondering if you would appreciate it if everywhere you went, knowing where you now reside, if people said, "Oh there is that damn Nebraskan!"

If you went to Washington to see Obama in protest, the news media would say, "Oh there is those damn Nebraskans!"

If you went to London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Tehran, Moscow or Peking, the same refrain would follow you in, "There is that damn Nebraskan!"

When you tried to explain you were an American and there are 49 other states, the replies you would get would be, "Yeah you Nebraskans are all the same dumb as a post patricians like nation rapist Warren Buffett and that imp Noel Sheppard".

After awhile, you would start thinking the entire world was screwed up wouldn't you in labeling you as a Nebraskan and just like Warren Buffett?

That is the mystery of God's Holy Spirit in hiding the 13 tribes of Israel, because time and again I see people even at World Net Daily featuring a story on Joseph in Egypt and they revert back to "the Jews".
For the record, there were no Jews that ever went down to Egypt, Joseph was never a Jew, Abraham was never a Jew, Isaac or Israel was never a Jew, Sarah, Rebecka, Leah or Rachel were never Jews.
Judah was a son of Israel and brother of Joseph and the 10 other brothers who went down to Egypt and were part of the Exodus, but they were never defined as Jews. They were defined as Hebrews and specifically as the Tribe of Judah.
Jesus is not called the Lion of the Tribe of Jews, He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The term Jew is a derogatory term that first appears in the Bible when the 10 northern tribes are at war with the southern kingdom led by Judah, Levi and Benjamin.

It is the same as in the Civil War if people kept referring to Confederates as Ohioans, when Ohio was part of the Union.

The not getting the point who modern Jews are and who Judah is, who the nations now of Israel are is a point which keeps people from knowing that America is all through prophecy for the end times, just as much as our brother English are in Ephraim who holds the Diadem of Christ for His return.

If you look at the old maps in the settlement issue of the Promised Land you will see a massively powerful tribe of Joseph named Manasseh who settled the central part of Israel. Their inheritance was divided by the Jordan River, with the waters of Galilee north on their border and into the branching of the Dead Sea in the south.
If you look at America today, the Mississippi divides Americans from east to west in like different peoples who are opposites in thought. The same patterns of settlement have been worked out by God in family units.

To the north of Manasseh America was Asher, Zebulon, Issachar and Dan. These are the peoples of the Scots, Netherlanders, Swiss and Denmark.
To the south on the east bank was Ephraim which is England. The west bank had Gad and Ammon, Gad are the Swedes and Ammon is the modern Jordanians who are Lot's children.

So as you see, Americans have always held this buffer position in Israel and among the nations.

I have been pondering for the answer and have yet to be shown it in why the English of Ephraim detest the Reubenite French so much, as there does not seem to be any reasoning for it in the Bible, other than it was Reuben who assented to Joseph being thrown into the pit, intervened for him to not be murdered by the 10 other brothers, and then was absent when they sold him into the Arabian traders down into Egypt.
Whatever this generational dislike is in Ephraim due to Reuben shirking responsibility is something which caused numerous early wars.

Joseph in Egypt particularly took it out on Reuben before he revealed himself in grieving Reuben in taking his younger brother Benjamin in a set up as a thief.

As Joseph said though as Americans have always lived by, "What they intended for evil, God intended for Good", for by Joseph, God saved all the 13 tribes.

That is the strangeness as Reuben was isolated between Gad and Benjamin from the tribes of Joseph, but in that the Americans and French have always had the deepest of familiar ties in assisting each other throughout history.

In that, during the rules of the Judges of Israel, God would raise up to deliver His afflicted peoples wonderful men and women. One of them was named Gideon, who was in effect an American father from Manasseh.
It was said that the Holy Ghost wore Gideon like a garment, such was the possession of this incredible leader. In a telling future problem, Gideon after defeating the Arab Midianites had the Soldiers give him their golden crescent earrings and chains (You thought Muslims invented the allah moon crescent........oh my that crescent moon is older in Arabs than Muhammed.) and made a golden ephod which became an idol to Gideons family and distracted the Israelites from Shiloh worship of God.
Americans still have that problem with gain and pretty things, although Gideon did have the redeeming attribute of using thorn whips in scourging local rulers who mocked his purpose in delivering Israel.

It is all ignorant to label people in the Bible as all Jews. King David was a Jew or for the Tribe of Judah as were his kingly sons, but Esther was Benjamite and if you read Moses was Levite of the Tribe of Levi, but numbers of the major Prophets are thought to be Jewish or of the Tribe of Judah.
There is enough glory to go around in all 13 Tribes, in not making one lord over the other, for each have responsibilities and great privileges from God in blessings none of us have earned, but were gifts of Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Israel.

So it would be a proper thing to have the Holy Ghost start opening people's minds to the Truth of who they really are in America, because it is not that far into the future that a return exodus is coming and the faithful in Christ will be settling for a millennial rule in the lands our forefathers possessed before exile.
That is one of the interesting aspectes of the Philistine Neo Syrians, the Philistines always inhabited the coastal plain now called Gaza, but the land of the West Bank which has imported peoples dumped into it that I term Neo Syrians are actually on a great part American lands.
That little bit of information might cause Americans to take a deeper note as that was never Jewish inheritance. That West Bank land is American, Swedish and French inheritance and will be in Christ's rule.

God hid all of this for a purpose, but the old lines of family affiliations break along the old Israelite lines. It was no act of chance that the Americans, British and French were lined up again against the Persian. It is a given as the old Assyrian (modern German) old Babylonian (modern southern Italians) form the revived empire system in central Europe, that Israelite alliances will weld to their ancient roots of strength.
I will though keep searching for the rift if it is beyond what Reuben did in not protecting Joseph being sold into slavery. Odd though as I noted in the Americans and French are always on close terms.

It might be though just as Gideon found himself being confronted by Ephraim after Gideon delivered Israel, they were complaining he had not called up that Tribe so they were deprived of the glory of victory.
I guess Ephraim required an invitation to war, instead of just having the sense to come to battle when needed.

That could be it in the contrary nature of those English. They are wonderful Soldiers who die marvelously for stupid leaders who allow them slaughtered. Such is the pity they rarely have good leaders in any form.
They are though for a thousand years now in their modern form a people that even in defeat are never stampeded. Joan D'Arc noted that at Patay as much as Andrew Jackson did at New Orleans.
We the French and Americans can kick the obliterated stuffing out of our brother in Ephraim and those ranks will march in retreat in calm, ready for a fight at every turn.

Really remarkable people those 13 Tribes of Israel, all of them are splendid fighters, tamers of wilderness, formers of just governments and faithful in worship of Elohim God. Only run into problems when God blesses their work so wonderfully that they start forgetting God and running off sexing themselves up along with trusting in themselves.

After this judgment business settles out, God already knows how much Americans will need a Gideon. It is my hope that this time a Sarah is arisen for this final act, as Deborah who judged the people at Mount Ephraim under a palm, was the complete lady of her time.
With all of her power, she still abided by God's laying out of ladies and gentleman responsibilities in calling on Barak to lead the Soldiers.

Time though will tell and perhaps someone from Nebraska will be raised up too, as Buffalo Bill Cody once had a ranch there before he created a city in Dick Cheney country of Wyoming. So being Nebraskan ain't all bad, they just have some poofy floofers as their patrician nobles now.

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