Saturday, September 26, 2009

God always says Yes

I come across christian bloggers and teachers often repeating the line that God answers, "Yes, No and Maybe", to prayers which is something I have never experienced, because God always says "YES", to His children, even if it is a stupid prayer that is going to harm them.
He does this out of love in teaching the boundaries as when one feels the pain they do not go back to the pain source of sin or incorrect behavior.

The greatest defeats, soul rapes and Spirit piercing situations I have been carried through to Live by the Holy Spirit and Jesus carrying me were due to my praying for solutions which were not what God willed, but He being a God with a stick allowed me to be whacked almost to death to get the point across.
God tells me I have been tortured and gone through more than anyone in life. I state that not as a mark of something grande, but to set the stage for others to gain understanding in prayer and vengeance of the Lord.

I recall over a decade ago in one of my infernos of passionate prayer uttering the words in desperation, "God do something, do anything".
God granted my prayer within moments and I was struck with an illness that I will not go into detail about, but no doctors could cure it. I spent over a year struggling not to puke every day, while doing full time employment, going down hill, not sleeping until I passed out and other sundry things that had me hoping at times that a vehicle would just run me over and end it.

Unless one goes through something one can not escape for extended periods of time, one does not know who they are or can grow Spiritually. The Holy Spirit after years informed me of my cure and slowly He healed me, because some people are so mule in nature they must be withdrawn slowly or they revert to the same mistakes.

While all of this was going on, satan was busy doing all sorts of things to have me make the decision to leave this world as that is one of my gifts from God is it is my choice when I go. I had some rather evil people slamming me around and tracking me, and I had a certain Senator from South Dakota become very rude to me which upset the Lord's anointed.
One has to listen to the Holy Spirit in moving a person to pray, because if you have things come up in your life even after years have passed, God is literally telling you that His Court is now in session and He wills for your testimony to come before it in prayer so God can balance the scales.

See God states in Scripture, "Who will prosecute God?" for the things God does, as who can go to heaven and arrest Him?

It was in this that the Holy Spirit moved me to list the things Tim Johnson had pulled on me and an entire state in stealing an election from John Thune.
I was particularly incensed by Mr. Johnson using his wife's breast cancer to gain sympathy votes. That is pedophile in low nature in doing that in my assessment.

History now shows that not long after God held court that Mr. Johnson's brain developed a leak and he rightly suffered his own political will in sickness coming upon him.
God has though many things going on in His workings, where another of Johnson's cronies who was a real venomous monster in Tony Dean, was brought before God's Court in the September of 2008 when he joined to the Obama campaign, and a month later, he was dead from an appendicitis which no one dies from.

As stated, God in His reasons has reasons why one goes brain sprain and another goes worm fodder. Sometimes it is a person has innocent people depending on them that might be harmed, sometimes the person in God's Love is being given the opportunity to repent and sometimes the person's time is not up.
Mr. Dean enjoyed years upon years of time to repent, but he did not and God finally said, "Time is up as My Vengeance and Judgment will be done".

Allot of this gives humans the creeps and it frightens them as Jesus is supposed to be this play toy Who sits in heaven only handing out teddy bears. I related the incidents above to some Christian relatives and one could see how terrified they became, as they knew it was true, but they preferred a God Who sits back and is not in the mix of ending evil people's lives or striking down evil.

I do realize that satan does produce "pressure waves" of hindering Christians who are directed by the Holy Spirit to pray on things upsetting them, the situation passes from exhaustion or some new problem distracts them, but when a Christian is moved to pray, they should do it immediately and bring what is bothering them before God, because Court is in session and the gift counter is open from God to get those things done for that child of God.

I would that Senator Johson would repent, but then that would require his making public crimes of election theft using Sioux Lakota votes and the deal worked out with Obama so his son could be a federal attorney, in a quid pro quo, which would get the incapacitated Senator thrown into prison where he does indeed belong.
This Senator is suffering from some brain dysfunction which should negate his being in the Senate as the most inept person there, even before his brain exploded. His medical records should be open to the public and he should have to pass a mental competency examination. As he hides from the public, I suspect Tim Johnson suffers from a type of seizure which freezes his brain function like epilepsy in an autistic sense.
The point being the brain dead of South Dakota would never allow this guy to be a bus driver for their children, never allow him to drive a semi tractor, never allow him to do surgery on them, never allow him to be in charge of a nuclear missile, and yet they vote for this huckster and allow their media outlets of KSFY, KELO and KDLT to just prop up Johnson without ever putting the wood to him like they did in a coup against Republican Larry Pressler, who they did say was the dumbest man in Congress repeatedly.

South Dakota is a cesspool. It is home to Steve Hildebrande of the Daschel clique who also ran the Obama campaign. These people are all connected, but interestingly Hildebrande with his gay soft Tom Daschle voice was seen prowling about South Dakota in recent months.
That is odd as one always cashes in and Obama did not reward this flunky of Daschle who stole the US presidency, but turned him loose in the cow pastures which are soon to be littered with chemical poisons in a new refinery dumped there to pollute the entire Mississippi basin water supply to the Gulf of Mexico.

One will have to wait and see what God's will is to deal with this pit of poop that South Dakota is as it acts as the Al Franken back 40 latrine for communist thugs.

But in personal matters for Christians, there are no boundaries from people with armies backing them to having billion dollar lawyers making their illegal legal, because once they wrong a Christian, that Christian has every right to claim Judgements from God.
Christians do enough suffering in this life from satan without sitting their like a child crying that a dog is eating your ice cream cone. Christians need to help themselves by taking things to God and expecting God to handle the matters.

That is the only correct Way to proceed as God's remedies leave a child of God guiltless and God's Judgments are something which you can not be held accountable for. It is quite enjoyable for the Christian to note how things are worked out by God in the details He goes to.

So I never in any situation figure God is telling me NO on anything. It might not come until Christ's 1000 year reign or eternity, but God will produce the seeds of prayer sown. Sure it becomes frustrating, but in that sense of Tim Johnson as an example or Bearick Obama, ask yourself this:

Would you really like to be these two guys and get up every morning, knowing how base you are in looking in the mirror, being smug in having to lie to yourself that you are so grand, and, needing others voting for you to be validated?
Sounds completely pathetic doesn't it, because it is. Sometimes vengeance is these people just eating away at themselves every day without any peace.

God says there is no peace for the wicked, and as one can see by Johnson and Obama, the way they run from their own skin daily, they are running on grey haired empty spinning in a circle.

The best a Christian can do is turn things over to God, celebrate the Life God bestowed upon them by being responsible, creative and caring for God's honor in living that life, and when God turns up the volume in something bothering them or moves them to pray for something, put the prayer in and make it thorough, because Court is in session.

Yesterdays, 1930's bank tycoon is todays, forgotten master and the politician cheered a week ago is booed next month. The powerful are dust in the wind and do not endure.
Christians should not pray for harm, but good for others as that is heaping coals upon the heads of their enemies. The Christian just needs to bring the problem before God for Judgment and the rest is God working things out perfectly.

I wonder how long before Janet Napolitano puts God on her terror list as she has enough of His children listed there in groups.


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PS: The evil people of this world need in God's Love education too by God for them to learn to not touch the Lord's anointed as He protects them jealously.