Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obama the Feeble Feckless Fraud

In ancient times, leaders were named for their leadership, Charles the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Richard the Lionhearted, Jeanette D'Arc Paige of Christ.

In that I was pondering after President Ahmadinejad of Iran, the head of a nation which since Jimmy Carter has waged war on America in taking hostages to blowing Flight TWA 800 out of the sky under Bill Clinton and covered up, that Bearick Obama after holding a hand of friendship out to the Persian communists now for the entire residency of his at the White House and as he was flying around the world in 2008 as a world president, which has been slapped down, covered with excrement and having Obama pissed upon again.............that Ahmadinejad came to the United States in September 2008, threatened Americans with "they will regret" what Obama has done in outing a weapons grade nuclear plant they were building, and all Mr. Obama can offer is this quote:

"a serious and meaningful dialogue" if Iran will just talk to him.

This blog has noted that all of the Obama voters were suffering from wife beater syndrome, well what do you call a "man" who has been scorned, laughed at, ridiculed and now had the American people threatened, after he wanted to play nice in offering friendship, to having Iran done all of this and Obama is still saying, "Can't we just be friends".

Barack Obama suffers from wife beater syndrome after he has been beating on his American voters wives now for months.

Mr. Obama has many psychopathies of a very sick persona from delusions of grandeur, paranoia, mind programming, fused childhood retardation, social retardation etc...., but this new one in having Persians threaten Americans and all he can do is offer peace is beyond delusional, it is insane.
I fully realize the left likes to point to those political hucksters Ghandi and Martin King, but they fail to note these were hucksters dealing with Christian British and Americans who unlike Chinese, Iranians or Russians did not put a bullet in their heads the first time they tried a "peaceful protest".
Peaceful for them, but their childish followers always got bashed about by the authorities suffering for the "peaceful protest" their masters conned them into.

Iranians are finding out what Ahmadinejad does and that is murder opponents. He is currently in active warfare against America attempting yet again to make Latino America a nuclear front against the United States.
This blog in exclusive noted this operation was being carried out and was proven when FARC was about to be sold weapons grade uranium, to which George W. Bush finally killed those narco terrorists, but left Iran alone.

For those who do not comprehend those measures, that is Iran setting the stage for nuclear holocaust in American cities. That is a nuclear act of war which Iran has been engaged in now for several years.
The time has passed for dialogue which Obama clings to and now President Sarkozy reveals it will be December when "meaningful" response will be taken if Iran does not play nice.
The same Iran which blew the French flight out of the air over the Atlantic from Brazil in Flight 447 and the same Iran which just threatened the United States.
The same Iran with a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons aimed at Europe, the Israeli state and the United States.

This blog laid out an advanced system to topple the Iranian regime which Dick Cheney in part did indeed start, but Brzezinski who is so in love with these Persian communists he installed with the New York Times was busy leaking the operations in treason with his people in State and the CIA that nothing came of it.
Those Flying Tiger operations could still work, but with Obama the Feckless they would end in failure as Brzezinski will make them fail.

The United States is already in a nuclear war and with each passing week, another US city becomes in danger of being vaporized.

The cost of Obama's feeble responses have been the murder of Chinese libertarians, the murder of Iranian libertarians, the enslavement of the entire Slavic peoples, the nuclear holocaust of the Jewish people in the Israeli state, the releasing of terrorists for Libyan oil deals, the rewarding of mass murderer Kim Jong Il with a Bill Clinton visit.
That is just 8 months of Obama policy in action or inaction which has ruined the lives of hundreds of millions and growing to billions of people.

What has it gained?

Obama the Feeble has vague promises from Russia and China that Iran needs to play nice, while they do billion dollar amounts of business with them, as each day ticks off that a nuclear series of bombs will go off in the Israeli state followed by the United States.

I have been blunt and will be blunt. There is no way out of this now that America will not loose at least one American city vaporized by an Iranian response to anything Obama does. That is what I have alone noted here in Dr. Zawahiri and Sheik bin Laden sounding notes of America is doomed from an Islamic nation. They hear the chatter and they know very well that Iran has nuclear bombs and will sea launch or air launch them via a commercial flight into the United States.
The only issue now is will it be one or a dozen American cities being incinerated due to Obama policy.

This is nuclear war and Iran has opened it. The only response from the United States is going to be to prepare for it in creating fallout shelters in homes, guarding cities with patriot batteries and other countermeasures, and in thirty days time, use a full strike against the Persian communists in their Qod Forces, military forces, decapitate the Supreme Council and Iranian government and the the surgical removal of all Iranian nuclear sites, along with removal of all nuclear weapons.

Otherwise as this blog has warned the surviving communists in Iran will strike the United States within a 3 year envelope as that is Iranian standard operation.

Bearick Obama has only one definition for his tenure and that is Obama the Feeble Feckless Fraud. He is about to get Americans vaporized and he is about to start a world war, on the heals of making millions of Slavs into people of bondage belts as he sold Americans into Chinese debt bondage.

nuff said.

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Obama the Feckless Feeble Fraud