Friday, September 25, 2009

The Obama Alternative Universe

How many times in your life did you ever see John Wayne show up in a movie and say, "Here are my homies, my posse, my backups, so I am ready to roll".

How many times did you see George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, look for other politicians or world leaders to stand beside them before they decided what to do.

There is an American standard, a clarion call, a guidon, a flag to not follow, but one which is planted. The Marines of Iwo Jima were not standing around looking for Dutch or English troops to help lift a flag, but they lifted that flag by God's Angels grace.

The need for others, mobs, democracy, opinion by committee is 3rd world. That is what Obama is.
That is no compliment, but it is the ultimate joke as in his joker costume all over the this world for what people see is this fraud.

Travel to Mexico and you see those mobs just like they gather in American cities to chant and intimidate for power, because they are weaklings.........just like the mobs you find in Moscow, Italy, Africa, Indonesia, India and China.
An oil driller once said, "Yeah I worked in Libya and those Arabs were always tough when they had a dozen of them against one American, but have them stand up one on one, or have them have a half dozen and they didn't have the balls to come at you."

Whether people appreciate history or not, the American Indian never came for white people unless they outnumbered them. That is why the old hardsells never blinked once when they saw a bunch of warriors as they specifically noted that no mob of Indians was ever up to take on one American.
Take a real look at Custer and his Troopers sometime in outnumbered, betrayed by Reno and Benteen and it still took thousands of Indians 3 hours to do the deed. Americans fight like hell when they stand on ground they have chosen whether it is the Bulge of the Alamo.

That is what I find most disgusting in this Obamafest. Bearick stands up there lecturing at the world, slaps Gordon Brown around to gain favour with other 3rd world types and then hauls Brown and Sarkozy out to follow him around like little dogs to his top dog, so Obama can feel brave and sure that others are thinking like in his psychology he can believe in Obama.

Really impressive what? A balless wonder who is wondering how cowardly he is and needs two extra set of balls to show some manhood.

Want it succinctly?

Obama is a failure, sexually, physically, mentally and socially. He is third world in not being able to make it in America, so he had to "change" America to new rules that this loser could "win" by.

Americans would call that cheating and that is exactly what Obama is in a cheater.

Mongrel Obama, the wild dog of Africa, needs a rather inbred British bulldog and a transplanted Slavic Jewish French poodle to either fetch him Russian assistance or line up to piss on Mooselum fire hydrants named Ahmadinejad.

I warned previously last year that Obama has entered a world where real men prowl. Ahmadinejad doesn't bring an entourage to take on Obama on the American turf, but throws down, threatens America and uses Obama's own incepid language against him.
Men recognize men. That is why Kim Jong, Ahmadinejad, Putin and Hu jerk Bearick Obama around as they recognize an effeminate when they see one. Obama is the twerp these males pulled around by their ears while stuffing sand or snow down their throats as the Obama's screamed for "teacher come rescue me".

The message of lining up people to back you is not American and it is 3rd world, and the 3rd world dictators recognize it immediately and note it for weakness, as they control the sheep and goats of their herds with an iron hand and a clinched fist.

As a very American friend once said to me, "You damn betcha", a person hates taking a stand with his friends behind him to only find they are skulking away when the bullies show up and you are standing their alone, but an American stands there with a burning heart and a seared soul at that kind of betrayal, but it forever teaches the lesson of rugged can't depend on anyone but God and you never join a crowd of Noel Sheppard types who hide in their mob trying to sort you out after trying to put a collar on your neck.

The only good thing about this is the warning of this blog has been enough to appeal to Nic Sarkozy not to jump into the central European empire harness and he is still with the Israelites. Other than that, Sarkozy has a 3rd world Obama leading him into the abyss and a Gordonian knothead Brown whose best place in any military would be in the ranks of those who are left to kill the dead.

You maniacs who voted for Obama, you need Obama to validate you and is why you wife beaten Stockholm Syndrome types are laughed at by terrorists. They know you will run like the wind when they say boo.
You sit in your disintegrating Obama mobs and think your hated Sarah Palin types will save your asses again when the chips fall, because that is where you and your ilk have always hidden behind Americans and coming out after the battle creating fiction of how brave you are in books like Dreams of my Fables.

I loathe treacherous people, because they are attracted to cowards like Obama and his skulking voter types who do not have the virtue to come out and say they voted for this liar, fraud, usurper and failure.
You are now all in your Obama alternative universe and about to meet God's reality as He makes a goblet of wine for each of you to drink from in His wrath.
God does not suffer fools and God is not mocked.

The American mob sees all of this Obama community organization of United Nations, G 20 Summits where Americans are beat on, gassed and sonic weapons turned upon them as Posse Komtatus is violated and they begin to fragment naturally to their individual growling persona's.
Americans join to each other to protect their individuality and that is the only reason they make government, and once that government is changed and going in an Obama direction, that mob of sullen beasts reverts to their natural way born in them.

The Tea Dunkers are 2 million individuals and completely different from the Obama mob. It is their rendezvous before turning to their rugged individualism again.
The Voyageurs of France to the Angle explorers who spread across continents do not stand on stages on leashes.

Americans, British, French, Dutch, Norwegians, Belguims, Swedes, Swiss, Scotts and Irish are not the mob of the third world. Obama has no idea who these people are.

These people though know what Obama is and he is not the least of them.

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