Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obama'a Nuclear Roulette

As Bob Woodward gaining acclaim for making public leaked McChrystal Reports on Obama non winning of Afnamistan Wars in secret assessments, one would presume that a frank assessment in logic of all that has been discussed in Moscow, Peking, Tehran and Washington, DC in what it would take to up the ante in the next 9 11 for effect would be in order here to warn Americans of the most likely scenario as Bearick Obama has ushered in the era of Nuclear Roulette, with American cities having the bombs pointed at their brains as Islamocommunist spin the cylinder and pull the trigger, as Obama makes friends.

Logic dictates in these secret discussions that if one is going to detonate one nuclear device (it will be a tandem device of two warheads for clap effect as explained previously here) that where one is in for a penny, a dozen would be in for a pound.

Noting that it would be the assessment of Sheik bin Laden previously to have a nuclear holocaust of multiple detonations is the basis then to proceed.
For effect, targets would be divided up in a dual strike of Iranian practiced sea launched missiles of the Shahab type and the revisiting of 9 11 airliners for nostalgia and terror effect.

As stated, this is nothing which has not been known by US intelligence nor has not been made public by terrorists, so nothing is being projected here, except for the purpose of warning in more exact details of operation.

If these communist terrorists divide their booty up, that would mean 6 sea launched missiles with dual warheads on 6 seaboard cities. Logic dictates that on the west coast the cities would be the port of Seattle and the large metro area of Los Angeles as for added effect of smouldering homes, brush, trees and fuel fires, including nuclear plants, that this dust cloud would give double effect as in weather patterns it would spread across the continental United States.

Houston as the main oil terminal would send a greeting from the communists to Bush Texas.

The three locations on the east coast in logic would be New York for crippling economic effect and to make it a news event reporters there could cry over to keep the event live.
Charleston, South Carolina as a major east coast shipping port and the Baltimore, Maryland area.

Baltimore chosen, because the last thing terrorists want is a decapitated United States government, leaving only the military in charge who would be willing to sling numerous nuclear retaliatory strikes around along with Star Wars until certain Persian areas were a melted sea of glass 300 feet thick that not even Ahmadinejad could carve his bunker way out.

The remaining 6 strikes would be confined to airliners with bombs flown in on diplomatic flights and transferred to commercial carriers using the advanced Dr. Khan light cone shaped warhead, making civilian carriers the repeat of 9 11.
This scenario would start off with three flights detonating over areas that terrorists seem to have a hatred for in Denver, Minneapolis and Ohio. The terror reasoning for staggering the effects would be to give the sitting government the wonderful problem of foreign and domestic passenger flights would all be deemed nuclear missiles which no state Governor nor someone in the White House would dare allow to land as was shown in protocols following 9 11.

The terrorists learned and practice cause and effect.

This then leaves the high drama of what does a White House do with hundreds of planes which include foreign national carriers?
This is the nastiest bit of the scenario as thousands of lives would be at stake.

Logic would dictate as the terrorists would assume that the aircraft would be ordered to sit down in risky interstate and highway landings in remote areas, which would send panic alarms across all of America as what green loving socialist in Madison, Wisconsin wants 30 potential nuclear airliners landing on their green tree scenic highway blowing up.

The terrorists would keep it interesting in the final three aircraft would be detonating at locations they would expect to divert to. As they would care to spread this around the potential states, minus the areas of military note in Omaha, Nebraska; Rapid City, South Dakota; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Akron, Ohio; and tis enough, to make the point the terrorist state which Obama is playing roulette with would pollute the interior of America while striking at key military logistics.
The balance would be assumed in prolonged casualties from fall out and the supposed airliners which would crash land in the chaos.

The above is the game which Bearick Obama has initiated upon the people of the United States. Tragically Bill Clinton after Flight 800 was knocked out of the sky could have ended the Iranian problem with nuclear strikes on Persia proper and none of this Jimmy Carter spawned mess would now have America facing a roulette situation as Obama has placed the States in.

These are the attack modes practiced and accomplished by these communist terrorists. They have full access to Russian Speznatz operations which were in place during the Cold War where the Soviets had nuclear bombs planted in key locations across the United States and Europe in the event a guerrilla nuclear war was deemed necessary.

This is what the United States proper is now facing is guerrilla nuclear warfare based upon the Soviet doctrines. A MAD doctrine has been in place during the Bush 43 years, but is now being breathed to actual action by Bearick Obama in his Nuclear Roulette.

I am pleased I did not vote for this mess, but have warned of the consequences of voting for it.

As 9 11 had main and secondary targets, in each case the main targets will have a secondary window, based upon factors of wind, rain and or snow, and human chance factor. A diplomatic flight arriving late or a transfer craft breaking down, would mean the main craft would be forced as in 9 11 to choose a most appreciable target, in that South Dakota would be spared, but a location like Tennessee might be visited.

There are real issues that are going to have to be discussed as Congress under Pelosi and Reid have given a complete deaf, dumb and blind sanction to Obama roulette policy which is endangering not only Americans, but appreciable capitals across the globe.
Mr. Obama has not only warned the terror states, but Mr. Sarkozy has given an exact timeline. Afford your nuclear armed enemies a quarter year to prepare and they will do the job without mistake in attacking you, and just might do it so well that the uranium is traced back to Hu's communist China.
Now whatcha gonna do bout that big boy?

Sure Obama can declare martial law to keep hisself in power as a furious America watches him blow up the Pashtun in Afnamistan killing a bunch of goats and mules, but that does not solve the problem of missing Americans and their cities.

These issues are going to have to be discussed, taken apart and analyzed as time is run out. America is in the midst of this nuclear roulette game by Mr. Obama and Americans need to be made aware of the game they have placed their bets on.

The policy of Mr. Obama in this is inept if one is leader of America and treason if it is a globalist Marxist in the White House for consequences.

The rabbit ears behind BearickObama are nuclear flame and the wheel is spinning America. What are you going to do?

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