Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bury my heart at Wound Knee Jerk Propaganda

As a continuing essay into exposing the fraud of Ken Burns in his PBS propaganda, along with the Marxist movement dangerously sowing racism and anti Americanism on the Indian Reservations, this blog revisits literal history and asks the question:

Which side did the Native Americans or American Indians fight on in the Civil War, the war to end slavery?

Propaganda always features the Seneca Indian who was aide to Gen. U.S. Grant at the surrender in Appomattox Court House, but in researching history the literal fact comes through constantly that this was not the wild Indians spreading rapine on the western America alone in savage raids of carnage aiding the Confederacy, but this was organized units involved in the battles of the state of Missouri, and this blog is about to introduce one adopted son, Col. William H. Thomas of North Carolina, who was also known as Chief William H. Thomas of the Cherokee Indians, and led them in battle with the North Carolina Highlanders or Mountain Regiment.

For those who might remember a great deal of liberal propaganda is produced about the Trail of Tears an event which had nothing to do with mistreatment of the Cherokee, but the fact that the Cherokee simply gave up and died when removed from their farms illegally in the east.
While this blog agrees the Cherokee were illegally removed, they have had reparations paid, and the fact now deals with which has been covered up that the Cherokee of North Carolina (apparently they all did not end up on the Trail of Tears as was purported in history, not only joined in the rebellion against the United States, but were fighting as Indians to keep blacks as slaves.

Col. Thomas in his personal letters has most interesting quotes:

Written to North Carolina Governor Zebulon Baird Vance

Ist would it not be advisable to make an arrangement to have able bodied negro men belonging to counties in reach of the enemy (Americans) employed by the state and transferred from their present positions to work on an extension of the Railroad?

They could I assume be employed for cost of ensurance and food and raiment. By this two objects would be gained. 1st every negro would be saving to owner $1000. 2nd every able bodied negro kept out of the hands of the enemy would lessen the number of troops we have to raise in defence, equal to a savings of $1000 per year. Thus if North Carolina employed 10,000 negroes on a road where a small force could keep them in subjection $10, 000, 000 would be saved to the owners, and 10,000 men more would defend our cause.

What Cherokee Chief Thomas is not so politely advocating is Nazi forced labor put forth by Indians on black people as an integral part of the Southern war strategy.

Confederate General Thomas Clingman would write this to Chief and Colonel Thomas:

The obvious policy and purpose of the Black Republicans is to keep the South unprepared and divided until they can get into power.

The remarkable thing is with all the plotting on finance, concentration camp labor of slaves and singling out Black Republicans, is the South almost starved Thomas' Indians to death in Tennessee, and Thomas with the Cherokee still fought on for slavery.

The Knoxville Register ran a story praising the "dusky" warriors and explained exactly what they were up to in hunting Americans without question. These Americans were termed "torries and bushwhackers". In other stories, they were killed by Confederates. The terms to torries would relate to people loyal to America and bushwhackers would be local militia who would snipe at the Confederates.
The Register notes that the Cherokee turned many of these Americans and employed them in the Confederacy.

What is a most interesting dichotomy is William Thomas was a white American by birth, and upon learning the Cherokee language as a teenager, became an adopted son of the Cherokee.
It would be his lobbying in 1838 in Washington, DC, which would keep the Eastern Cherokee band from being deported to the west. The same band which Thomas would lead and in the end Thomas would possess more land in North Carolina than the Vanderbilts of famous riches.

Thomas could protect the Cherokee in 1838 when he had personal interests, but by 1861 he was fully plotting the use of slave labor in concentration camps to assist the South and was leading the Cherokee Indians on specific work to ferret out Americans in the eastern wilderness.

Somehow this story of Storm in the Mountains, by the book of that name, was missed by Ken Burns who went out of his way in the profane propaganda in his work about World War II, ferreted out grand compliments for Asians and blacks in the ranks, making it appear that they won the war alone.
Yet, in the Civil War when it was Indians being terrorists, Indians fighting on the side in numbers for slavery, led by a Cherokee Chief, Ken Burns just couldn't find any film to set the record straight.

history is pure propaganda in America from east coast establishment patrician leftists. They ignore the reality of what American history really was as they loathe Americans and instead seek ways to fabricate a sequence of events which fits into their lies.
The movie Little Big Man degrades the Pawnee as "suck ups" to the white man, but never notes the Sioux who were in league with the Cheyenne of Little Big Man, were committing genocide on the Pawnee and other tribes.
The Pawnee for all purposes have always been allies to Americans and the finest of people. Yet if one travels among the reservations the American Indian Movement, Little Big Man, hatred of America has permeated tribes as the Hidastsa, Arikara and Crow into the same Ford Foundation dogma of hate America and the Indian was innocent.

This blog alone has noted in historical papers, the reason the 7th Cavalry was at the Little Big Horn was due to a request by the Crow who were being attacked by the Sioux of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
The Arikara were with Custer's 7th, because they were mortal enemies of the Sioux.

So in real history, this blog does not blame any Indian for fighting for land they fought for, as any American would do that. But in reality, it wills to take the veil off of Cooper's noble savage, as there was no such being, as the Cherokee were busy fighting to uphold slavery and were attacking America in the eastern band during the Civil War.

There was a shameful organized use of Indians in numerous tribes against the United States Citizenry in the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, which all fomented into over 30 years of brutal and heinous warfare against Americans.

A farce which is growing to this day in use of reservations as sponsored meth distribution centers and Democrats in states like South Dakota using Sioux Indians as their version of Obama's ACORN ballot box stuffers.

Literal history and responsibility is what matters, for the reason that the same use of Indians for Obama agenda and cartel rapine is active today. Perhaps if the tribes who were in mass fighting for slavery were held to that shame, a great deal of pompous Russell Means propaganda would disappear and an integration would happen which would have Indians doing more than running gambling casinos and in the worst way being racist against white Americans in those businesses.

Of course though, what did change in any of this, as William Thomas and the Cherokees fought to keep blacks slaves, and in the passage of Obamacare John Lewis was being shown off as a prize negro in the shackles of white Pelosi and Hoyer on the Capitol, after Lewis ran the gauntlet for the infamous ABC staged "n*gger" verbal assault, which somehow the ABC cameraman never got footage of the person using the word and no ABC reporter tracked them down in confronting them as would be the case in this smear on Tea Dunkers.

Propaganda comes in many forms. Ken Burns hiding the reality of the Indians were employed for savage warfare against the American Union and John Lewis employed to be a publicity stunt in playing the black card as he is enslaved by Obama into the cause.

History tells the story if people will listen and records it if they will look.

agtG 281

Chief William Holland Thomas

Cherokee history with William Thomas