Monday, May 10, 2010

Orly Taitz Brilliance

When Dr. Orly Taitz sent this to me, my schedule was as usual busy so I did not get around to opening this up, but when I did, I just chuckled as she is quite brilliant in running for Sec. of State of California.

Considering that it is the Sec. of State who places who and who does not get on a ballot, along with being the person who is the judge to who qualifies according to Constitutional requirements, the reality is what bigger nightmare could there be for British subject B. Hussein Obama?

Granted, one could see the Obamite lawyers moving to disqualify a Sec. of State Taitz on prejudice as in this Age of Obama anything and everything is illegally possible. After all Obama tried to buy the Illinois Senate seat Rod Blagojevich was offering up and only Blagojevich ended up indicted........and the judge there with numerous Obama felonies can not see what Obama could add as a witness to be questioned by the defense.
It is though delicious in Dr. Taitz has come up with this. If elected successfully in California, she literally will take the Fremont state off the federal voting block for Democrats in running Barack Hussein Obama if he will not provide more than what Anderson tea tinkler Cooper accepts as an online certificate of Obama birth in Hawaii.

Understand that Dr. Taitz if elected is thee arbitrator of what is "proof". This is not Gov. Schwarzenegger nor the liberal controlled Democrat California Congress. If she states that an electronic Obama certificate is not acceptable, and that one must be produced with footprints, along with a secondary identity to prove the first, which could mean Obama's passport in his Pakistani travel, to review of his Occidental college student loan papers in her "investigation" of this issue, thee entire 2 million dollar cesspool of Obama cover ups will be on her desk which the Obama judges have kept from her.
See as a State of California Constitutional Officer, she doesn't need any court order to obtain documentation on undocumented Obama. She has full authority to demand said proof and if Mr. Obama does not satisfy Sec. Taitz, she can keep him off the ballot, and no court injunction can overrule her.

In this the State of California could attempt to impeach Sec. of State Taitz, but this would create a Constitutional crisis as how do liberals impeach someone for doing their job when no crimes have been committed.

Frankly as Sec. of State, Dr. Taitz, already has all the proof she needs to keep Obama off of the California 2012 ballot in Mr. Obama on his website confirmed he was British, but stated it expired, which is like saying he was born black, but his negro condition "expired" and he became white when he reached legal age.

That is why I was smiling at the brilliance of this, and now conclude how wonderful it would be if Tea Partiers would find candidates to run for Sec. of State in all 50 states. Imagine California off the electoral count and electoral college. It simply is possible with certain states such as Ohio, Virginia etc... in a 1/5th minority which would refuse to certify Mr. Obama, that he literally could not even as the nominee become Oval Office occupant as he would not be able to garner the electoral college votes necessary.

This has not even touched on the repercussions of untested law in a Sec. of State literally has the power to decertify elections no matter the number of years having lapsed.
Literally, California has 55 electoral votes and Obama's tally was 365, so if a Sec. Taitz would remove that block dropping Mr. Obama to 315, it would require only three other Obama states such as Pennsylvania (21) Ohio (20) and Virginia (13) to reduce Mr. Obama's number below the 270 required.
Virginia can be replaced by Republican leaning states of Massachusetts to New Jersey which went for Mr. Obama. The entire can of worms opens up with California.

Now this might sound like something the Pelosi Congress could circumvent, but in doing this these states would be stating vote fraud by Barack Hussein Obama, and that would negate anything Congress or even the Supreme Court could attempt in neutralizing these states, as these States are sovereign and in fraud can withdraw any votes to their admittance to the Union.

Beyond the obvious of humiliation for Mr. Obama, this then sets the literal Constitutional crisis as Mr. Obama can not be in the White House and his entire tenure of mandates were all illegal, that includes Obama rationed death.

Legally, this would mean Nancy Pelosi would be in succession the person in the Presidency, but as she oversaw the biggest election fraud in world history, one could see a further Constitutional crisis in how does America remove an undocumented illegal with a criminal validating an undocumented illegal installed in his place.

This is why I enjoy what Dr. Taitz is up to. It would be lovely if Phil Berg in Pennsylvania would run for Sec. of State there as if any number of interchangeable states would play, including magic monkey Illinois with (21) that would only require 3 states to literally remove Mr. Obama in January 2011.

I would find the superior smugness of Mr. Obama and his crew of the deceived having him removed as 44th occupant of the White House most amusing. What would the be? 70 million living and dead Bearick voters all having FOOL with an asterisk by their name.

I believe they call that priceless.

If Dr. Taitz would win in California it would make life most entertaining and interesting in these United States.


PS: Why is Joseph Farah now silent on Orly Taitz after promoting her? It has never been a secret in what Dr. Taitz is about in her independent wild west plunges. Just because someone can not be controlled or is off the reservation is no reason to discard them. In battles to save the Republic, one accepts what one gets if they are on the same side.
This toy media must stop, just because they are blonde and new one plays with them, and when they have been played with one puts them aside.
A stagecoach has 3 teams, they each pull differently, but one still has them hitched as together they only get the job accomplished.

The Secretary of State's responsibilities include:

  • Serving as the state's Chief Elections Officer
  • Implementing electronic filing and Internet disclosure of campaign and lobbyist financial information
  • Maintaining business filings
  • Commissioning notaries public
  • Operating the Safe at Home Confidential Address Program
  • Maintaining the Domestic Partners and Advance Health Care Directive Registries
  • Safeguarding the State Archives
  • Serving as a trustee of the California Museum for History, Women & the Arts