Barack Hussein Obama is being let down by Val-erie Jarrett, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and the wife, because the entire American community is organizing against hisself.
When you have the guy in the Oval Office answering Joseph Farah in "not having his birth certificate plastered all over his forehead", you are not only no longer commander in chief, you have lost the bully pulpit, and Joseph Farah has succeeded in putting words, thoughts and answers in your mouth.
Obama did not respond to Brian Williams' questions, but ranted, raved and side stepped the issues.
His every comment reveals he is not watching Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann, but his focus is Joseph Farah, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and other Americans who have been focusing on Obama the illegal alien and Obama the Muslim.
Barack Hussein Obama in a Poltico story had almost 600 comments on his ranting and raving, and no one was standing up for him in mania any longer. The entire response was Obama is hiding his papers and Obama is a Muslim.
Obama has lost the battle, lost the Oval Office and lost the American Public.
B. Hussein Obama is officially the Usurper in Chief in Islam he trusts.
If I had been asked about all of this, I could have fixed this in perfect fashion for B. Hussein. After all when you are a usurper crook, what the hell difference does it make when you forge one more document.
All Obama had to do was produce a baby foot ink spot on a forged birth certificate, cover up the doctors name who was attending, show it to puppy press Williams and in a teleprompter voice say, "This is my birth certificate, baby footie print and all. I am not going to reveal the doctor as his family does not need to be hounded. This is valid. It is how I got my passport, driver's license and voter registration. You people should be ashamed of yourselves".
That is what Dick Morris would have had Clinton do, and all the Obama puppets would have chimed in with this for the next 2 years in Ann Coulter case closed, and no one would have been able to get at the birth certificate including Rep. Issa when he unleashes on Obama in House hearings.
Obama really looks to me like someone who wants to be caught. I half expect him to be smoking a cigarette next time, fingering a 9 and telling the coppers to come and get him as he is a sodomite usurping Muslim loyal to the cartel as he hates America.
Obama's threshold of crime appears to be stealing the White House, but he expects everyone else to now do the lying and forgeries for him.
This is all now beyond ridiculous, and for the first time, Obama is so far off script and out of touch, that he is the definition of inept. When Obama had his teleprompter orders, he was shrewd as his handlers made him shrewd as they were doing the thinking for him. Now he is just New Orleans stuck on stupid, and it is like an old vinyl record skipping to "stuck on stupid" over and over again.
It appears Obama's globalist cartel backers literally want this dunce to foment a Constitutional crisis to foul up America's political process, but Obama has not been clued in yet and never will be.
Why on earth in this bankrupting of America would Obama sanction the entire remodeling of the West Wing from carpets to new paintings? All hell breaks loose in the wife spending a fortune with the globalists in Spain, and the next week Obama is on patrician vacation, while the White House is being gutted for a fortune again?
Obama is being sabotaged from within, and like a crack whore hooked on it, Obama has money waved in front of him and he can not help but snort it up his nose looking like the biggest French chic in history.
There is nothing worse in life than a crook who gets the mansion and stops acting like a criminal to keep it. That is B. Hussein Obama in his summer tour setting sun, and now all those Obamites like Ann Coulter who staked all they are against the Birthers look like the fool, because they believed in Obama, and Obama has made this a joke...........while choosing a bunch of 3rd world turban heads over guys in hard hats.
Jimmy Carter goes to North Korea to retrieve a hostage and Kim Jong Il goes to Peking, leaving Carter talk to the dorklings.
Tyrants have now dismissed B. Hussein Obama as not even worth a Jimmy Carter photo op.
That says it all about Birth Certificate Obama and the Islam he trusts.
Maybe Obama needs another penis head dork photo riding a bike with a helmet looking like a circus clown with his legs splayed all over.
This is only the start of how bad this is all going to get in the Obama abyss.