Flamer Glenn Beck, found a new way to build upon his Obama is a racist million dollar paycheck theme by reenacting the Martin King gathering at the Lincoln Memorial and hiding it under the true blue American shield of American Ladies like Palin and Bachmann for cover.
Beck is the Rupert Murdoch fraud of the resurrected P.T Barnum age. He flops around on so many issues that he looks a great deal like Rush Limbaugh glad handing Elton John at the wedding in the Rush Antoinette meets Elton Blonde union.
In all of that though, this blog challenges not the gathering of Americans with Glenn Beck hiding there, but challenges the questions of where..........
Where were all those moderate Muslims loving America too?
Where were all those blacks loving America too?
Where were all those border busting Americans loving America too?
Why is it that all of these Obamites who are "main stream" according to the Obama propagandists on the left never attend "love American virtue" rallies, or in the Truth, never with Howard Dean, Keith Olbermann or Maureen Dowd, ever once organize a back to morals and the foundations which built America in God's Grace?
The Associated Press can name the Beck Dream as a mostly white gathering, but why is it these liberals never ask the real question in why is it the White House Press corp is all white folks covering Obama as Tavis Smiley noted, and why is it that there is not a black Keith Olbermann, black Chris Matthews or black Diane Sawyer, and Tavis Smiley, gets stuck in the fringe media paid for by government PBS and NPR handouts?
The liberal press likes terming all things on the right in race, but never seem to enter the race in all they have are pompous anal Obamites of a white skin color dictating and defining to tan skinned folks what they should think.
Richard Dreyfuss the liberal former white actor, likes bragging he speaks to white GOP women and they agree with him..........then where is he in joining Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, speaking the same message, or campaigning for Michelle Bachmann in Minnesota against her white, Nordic Obama pixie the Democrats chose, instead of a new Junior Muslim Ellison in this Age of Obama?
Why is it when Old Glory runs up the flag pole, happy American Ladies start speaking and a call for the same values which Bill Cosby advocates for minorities, does B. Hussein Obama have no comment and Al Sharpton is stuck on stupid in stating "Beck has the platform but Sharpton has the dream".
Checking that Martin King speech, Dr. King's dream was for all peoples together without regard to race. Al Sharpton is a Pharisee of the times in not wanting to share Christ with the world as some closed minded Jews were over two thousand years ago.
America is built upon God's Law. The foremost Advocate in that Law is God Himself. God set down the 10 Commandments, but in the heart of the Law are simple mandates in starting with putting God first, loving people as you should love yourself, obeying God and not thinking that offerings or good works earn anything, and thee great mandate was for the children of Jacob, to never forget they were once strangers in Egypt, and to always treat foreigners WHO ABIDED BY GOD'S SEPARATION OF ISRAEL OUT FROM THE WORLD cared for as any child of God would be.
That is what is lost in this upon blacks of the left, in they were imported in majority as slaves, which saved their lives and educated them. Their foreparents all joined to America in Christian virtue, family values and love of America.
Mexicans have a responsibility to not steal from Americans, nor to be fudging the system of slave labor.
Muslims have a definite mandate in America not to be trying to supplant the Christian foundation of America just as Jews have never nor any other religion, but now wiccans are in the same sphere as Islam in subverting the American culture.
I will address the Jewish issue, because Jews have never in their religion ever attempted to revert Christians back to Jews. The only problem in America with "Jews" were those robber barons who would create monopolies despoiling Americans for greed.
This is what Gen. Sherman was mandating when he kept "Jews" out of the South after the Civil War, because merchants who were hiding as Jews (they were bankers and profiteers first and Jews a distant second) were buying up entire communities, just as eastern Europe was plundered in 2008, and exactly as Barck Hussein Obama plundered America for these same internationalists led by the European Rothschild cartel of trillions of dollars.
In that, this is what is the phobic problem in love of money which liberal blacks who sell their black communities to Obama, Mexicans who sell themselves to Obama plundering America and Muslims buying up key Obamites to overthrow America, are every bit the equal to the Rockefellers who have gained control with globalists of every facet of America which generates money from medical to education.
Glenn Beck's interviews speak just like Obama. Rush Limbaugh's off the air conduct is Obama. Al Sharpton is Obama in financial lucre.
Glenn Beck is part of a Mormon religion which has been at war with America, is as devious as the Jehovah's Witness and herds folks in Utah around in their communities like Muslim Obama in a call to prayers.
That is what does not make sense until one comprehends that Ann Coulter's playmate of late was Al Sharpton for the 30 pieces of silver, and all Sharpton is doing with Glenn Beck is playing the same charade.
That is why Americans like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann had better be minding their interests as much as the hundreds of thousands who were at the Lincoln Memorial. Honest Americans were played by the Bush patricians after Reagan for the past 30 years, and this blog alone warned the Tea Party and American movements not to allow these patricians like Newt Gingrich sweep in and take control like Glenn Beck is attempting again, this time under Sarah Palin's skirt.
Almost 40 years ago Martin King, who was in bed with communist enemies of America and in bed too often with adultery was given a pass by the establishment and the black left, because the message of unity was too important.........well it was controlling the black mob for a Mau Mau uprising.
Currently, the message does not matter nor the sinner delivering it on the right or the left, because the sanctioned circus is in town..........and yes children, one reason this is going on is the Clinton Rockefeller patricians are bringing down B. Hussein Obama, and using shill Glenn Beck to reinforce the message and put the blame on the GOP.
The American Patriots gathered again, completely in peace, compared to the liberals mobs of filth during Lyndon Johnson's term. The Americans though have got to stop being led by the Obama voters who sold their soul, as they desire to sell your soul too to the phobic mob who do not attend Lincoln Memorial events.
So this post has some value which does matter to me, I baked German Chocolate Cake or German Shorthair as my beloved Uncle called it.
It is a lovely recipe and the best cake in the world.
Well, actually I just wanted to post it here as a backup to my files and this is a good way to share.
German Chocolate Cake with Coconut Frosting
1/2 cup boiling water
1 four ounce bar of sweet cooking chocolate
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter softened
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cups silk cake flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup sour cream (I dislike buttermilk as that culture makes one ill.)
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease one large or two small baking pans. (Line bottom of pans with parchment paper if you desire to remove the cake.)
Boil water and break up chocolate to soften and melt it.
Mix sugar, butter in a large bowl until fluffy. Beat egg yolks in one at a time. Add chocolate and vanilla and sour cream.
Into the flour mix the salt, baking soda and baking powder.
Gently fold in egg whites by hand with spatula.
Divide batter into two pans or one large pan.
Bake either 35 to 45 minutes depending on pans and altitude. The toothpick test is the most certain check for being done.
Coconut Pecan Frosting
1 cup sugar
1 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup sweet butter
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/3 cup coconut
1 cup minced pecans (I use an electric coffee grinder.)
Mix sugar, milk, butter, eggs yolks and vanilla in a 1 quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring often, until thick, which will be about 12 minutes.
This burns and sticks easily so do not leave the frosting.
Stir in coconut and minced pecans.
In a mixing bowl, on a low beater setting, beat in a stand mixer until the mixture becomes more frosting in state.
Cool cake and frosting in a no blow fly location for about 45 minutes, and then frost the cake.
This is a massively heavy cake, and I usually cut the cake recipe in half and frost it in my 9 by 9 inch covered pan with the full coconut pecan frosting which is ufta too much, but it usually cures me from having a craving for this for another year.
end recipe~
I actually got this from a former prostitute who was then a swinger, who attached herself to me in my Christian nature, and I vacated after being betrayed too many times.
The point is, the cake is good, and there is no reason to stop eating it from bad memories as that is what life is, just stop associating with the evil.
Get that Sarah Palin.........eat the American cake, but leave the Beck on the curb.