Why are sodomites promoting Ann Coulter looking like tan gay Obama?
Ann Coulter has reached fear, melt down and the worst status of sinner in her trying to defend promoting sodomy and soddenness, as Joseph Farah correctly pointed out he was dumping this Obamite voter from speaking at a pro American event for her homosexual dabbling.
Coulter is out of control. She is ranting, raving, writing letters, stooping to liberal tactics of name calling and now has become messiahette in judging the people at World Net Daily as a "bunch of fake christians".
Such mouth is a revelation of weakness of a juvenile mind. Ann Coulter got caught like Rush Limbaugh in his Elton Blonde moment, along with all these other frauds in the Conservative movement mingling with destructive sinful Obama misbehavior, and now it can not be Coulter who is wrong, but it has to be Joseph Farah who is wrong.
Readers will note that Joseph Farah has been a jerk at times to numerous people, this blog included. He treated Lawrence Sinclair horridly and likes to bully people around as Mr. Farah tries to be like Michael Savage and failing at it. Never once though would it be questioned what anyone at World Net Daily believes in Christ.
This blog has taken Mr. Farah to task in his profiteering in books which are wrong about Biblical matters. Wrong information is what Mr. Farah is going to have to answer though to God for and that realm is not for Ann Coulter to slander him over.
Joseph Farah is not a Conservative and admits it. He is a newsman. He generates stories and publicity which pays the bills for information to be carried out to millions of readers. That does not make him a fake Christian or fake christian. It makes him something that as long as he is in a moral life, not leading others into sin or denying Christ as Son of God, someone who God will deal with as God deals with all.
Mr. Farah has done spectacular work in the freeing of the two American Border Patrol Agents. Aaron Klein is the best Middle East reporter there is. Jack Cashill is one of the finest minds in his stories written. In contrast, I can not state how Ann Coulter changed one person's life with all her power, or provided information which saved one person's life in her reality as a Dinesh D'Souza dater.
Joseph Farah is just an American with a cause. His cause has been the Birther issue and backed into a corner, he has failed at times, and at other times he has assisted in tying this reality around B. Hussein Obama to the extent now that exactly as this blog predicted, that when Americans are fed up with Obama, that the Birther issue will return and be the judgment on their part which boots him from the Oval Office.
Joseph Farah does not need this blog defending him, but this blog will always champion anyone being spit upon, whether it is Lawrence Sinclair by Joseph Farah, Joseph Farah by Ann Coutler, Muchelle Obama by Bearick Obama, as all deserve not to be kicked when they are down.
The question in this is what has Ann Coulter been outed over in her hands in the Obama jar?
Why are these sinners putting up a poster featuring Ann Coulter in tan skin looking exactly like Barack Hussein Obama in cartoon format?
What is the message being sent by these "right wing" folks, who have Rush Limbaugh paying 1 million Conservative moral dollars to Elton John, a sodomite who of late called the Son of God in Jesus the Christ, someone Who engaged in disgusting sexual acts, and no one save this blog calling out this reprehensible deed by Rush Limbaugh.
Just why is it that all of these front benchers in their million dollar salaries feel they can be whores to sin and there is not any consequence for their offending God and the least of the flock.
Whatever the reason Joseph Farah did what he did, his actions hit to the core of what lurks in Ann Coulter. She responded in weakness.

Just what is the reason sodomites and soddenites are depicting Ann Coulter as the tan twin of Barack Hussein Obama?
Why is it that Ann Coulter enjoys the gay Obama likeness.