Two of the latest Obamites to come out to the bird feeder as Birdy Obama flips America the usurper bird have been Ann Coulter and a Mike Jones who is ass. editor of Tulsa World.
I will utilize Jones demagoguery as it mirrors Coulter to the word, which is bizarre, until one realizes these Obama folks are all talking off the same talking points.
Never mind that it has been proven over and over that, indeed, the president is a citizen born in Hawaii.
End Obama talking point.
This statement which had Coulter stating that she indeed had investigated and proven this herself along with others is simply a lie as there has been absolutely no proof that Obama was born in Hawaii.
There is only the proof of the British Nationality Act of 1948 which proves Obama is British. There is only the proof of Obama's school registration under Barry Soetoro that he is an adopted son of Indonesia.
Yet these Obamite Coulters and Jones keep repeating a lie that Obama was born in Hawaii as if it has been proven.
There is not one photo of baby Obama at the hospital. Is that not strange in a new bundle of joy grandson and son?
There is not one confirmation from any hospital with actual data, as in physician who delivered the bouncing Obama. Would not some family member have come forward by now with a story that dear old dead dad doctor delivered the Obama into this world?
All there is, is this bogus online birth certificate which could not legally get you a passport, a voting registration, a driver's license or into any federal job.....except of course if it is the White House and the mentally retarded due to chemical poisons, television and music conditioning and demonic lust convinces you Obama has a halo on his head, is a messiah, is a god and is intelligent.
Replay that one in your minds people, especially you Obama folks all gushy over Obama in you actually voted for someone and are still defending someone who you said had a halo on his head, was Jesus, was God and was intelligent.
It is a certainty in all the disasters that Obama has not stopped, that he has no miracles in his messiah bag, is not a god and by his idiotic self absorbed vacation sprees he is no more intelligent than the pelicans showing up to eat fish entrails from the fishing boats daily.
And in all of this, Ann Coulter and Mike Jones are calling Birthers the crazy ones. Reality to the Coulterites and Jonesites, you are not only deluded but certifiably insane as you have no proof and the Obama you voted for is less real than Santa Claus.
The Jews are finding this out as the Saudi's are in Obama never intended to stop Iran from going nuclear. He fully is part of this Islamic tribal war and wants a radioactive glow to the region and spreading to a world war.
I will though in this postulate one thing as Rod Blagojevich who was not convicted of any crimes by the Obamites, in his calling Obama, that Ann Coulter and Mike Jones had better be prepared for something.
The minute all of this goes south on Democrats to criminal natures, which includes Obama, you can bet the first usurper is going to be offering up through White House shills the following:
"I, ah, ah, Mr. Obama, might be indicted for high crimes, but ah, Mr. Obama, is British and Indonesian, so ah, the American laws he is indicted under have no jurisdiction as Mr. Obama, uh, uh, was here illegally the entire time as his bogus birth certificate proves, and ah, ah, as a Muslim citizen of Kenya and Indonesia, he must be deported and no prison time will be allowed, as Mr. Obama, uh, ah, uh, ah, claims diplomatic immunity and uh, ah, Mr. Obama has left the building".
nuff said to the insane.