Oddly I see things as usual in Obama's passport smudge gate that others appear to not notice by God's Grace.
For example the individual who blurred the issue date and expiration date was sloppy in being a few degrees off compared to the document font. That is sloven and reveals someone unprofessional who cuts corners, a mirror reflection of all things Obama.

In comparing the smudged dates to known passport fonts, we can see the passport was issued on a single digit date and expires on a single digit date.
The font uses upper and lower case letters for the month which reveals that Obama's month issue and expiration appearing as a block form would fall into certain months not having dangling lower case like a "g" in August.

In blurring a known font as a control, we can see that an issue date of 2005 appears block structured like Obama while a 2014 appears a disjointed structure.
Yes if I was still at NASA or an intelligence alphabet agency, the pixels would be cleared on those fine computers costing billions, but it is more rewarding being Sherlock Holmes utilizing the old methods of discernment.
What this is getting at is simple in logical deduction. The font structure seems to indicate that B. Hussein Obama, along with dufus hair cut, appearing like a numb nuts wanna be political dunce from Chicago not yet anointed by George Soros in 2008, posed for this passport photo in the year 2001.
Obama released this passport as it expired recently and is of absolutely no value.

This passport was not issued from a certified birth certificate as is normal, but was issued off of a former passport from Obama's Pakistan haj days. The evidence of this is the BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, in there is not junior or II, in Obama was standing alone, and that by logic dates back to the illegal entry of one Barry Soetoro into the Hawaiian illegal alien depot in the chaotic period of Obama appearing in the late 60's in elementary school and disappearing back to Indonesia as Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro was weeding husband number two from her life.
During this illegal entry, a State Department official committed fraud upon hearing the sob story of Stanley Ann, no doubt couched in liberal racism in how this poor white girl was used twice by swarthy skinned 3rd world males.
Stanley Ann pulled this in gaining custody in the divorce in smearing Barack sr. with spousal abuse and in illegally putting her adopted son by Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia, she conned a federal official to put into her files a letter which transformed Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.
This legal standing was Stanley Ann Dunham marking her territory of "birth father" so adopted father could not gain custody of Barry, but denying the "junior" status which she deprived Barack sr. of years before.
This is why Barack Hussein Obama appears as the illegal name, as it is marked by Stanley Ann, and the federal government's fraudulent official entered that name which has followed Obama on legal documents ever since.
Just so Ann Coulter and Geraldo get this point as the facts escape these Obamites, there is no documentation for B. Hussein Obama. He has no real birth certificate. All Barry Soetoro has is an undocumented letter by a State Department official who fell for Stanley Ann's sob story.
From this illegal entry into America, B. Hussein Obama, has gained non stop access to American rights.
Mr. Obama's fraudulent issue of a Connecticut Social Security number is part of this same scam system which Stanley Ann and her illegal Democratic liberal jungle fever crew have instigated all throughout America in this floating undocumented border buster group who liberal judges protect and who end up voting for Democrats in mass in Obama enclave cities.
B. Hussein Obama put this passport out there, because he has no birth certificate to show Americans. The reason for the smudged issue dates is due to expiration, which in turn traces back to his undocumented issuing of the previous passport which too was undocumented, and which traces back to the bogus letter put into his re entry file by some liberal racist sticking it to a brown skinned Indonesian male who adopted Barry Dunham Obama as his own.
Barack Obama is a walking poster boy for how the entire illegal human traffick scheme has been making a fortune in defrauding Americans for 50 years. His documents which Ann Coulter deep throats on are based on illegal documents based upon an illegal entry into America, sanctioned by some Hawaiian federale' just like all these liberal feds enabling hundreds of thousands of illegals daily in America for profit or for voting block power.
Barack Obama is an illegal alien of proven British and Indonesian birth and rights. He is of full Islamic heritage and conviction by action.
Obama didn't release Jonathan Pollard. Obama did not release Terry Nichols. Obama released a Libyan Muslim terrorist who mass murdered 300 Americans in Lockerbie.
What part of this is so hard for Obama colored glass wearing Coulter and company to figure out? Barack Obama has an affinity for criminal 3rd worlders, because B. Hussein Obama is an illegal in America who has stolen trillions.
His expired passport is the Rossetta Stone, as Birdy Obama flips Ann Coulter the bird along with all the other Obatriots (Those traitors to America who make endless excuses for Obama).
It is evidence par excellence in all the fraud's Obama has committed just like Juan Gonzales has 400 Mexicans using his birth certificate using as many fake Social Security numbers.
That passport is Obama confessing his crimes against America in his smug way. He wants credit in what he pulled off, wants to confess and wants to rub America's nose in it, just the way the Islamists are driving to rub America's nose in it in the 9 11 Mosque on Ground Zero.
It is all so obvious, but the fools of Obama will not admit they were suckered by the worst con in world history.
God still has me performing better work with no time on my hands than all the rest combined......er Elton Blonde for reference.
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