Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Ostrich Obama

Barack Hussein Obama now has two political groups who still are the lemmings following him deeper into thee abyss. The first group are those angry and malevolent wretches one can find on comment sections of sites who are still spewing hatred at anything, and furious over backing Obama, but refusing to take blame for their disastrous choice.
The second group are the "intellectuals" who are not that bright across the spectrum who still cling to the idiocy that Obama is "brilliant" and therefore even with the mountain of evidence that Obama is thee most destructive force in America since the 1900's influenza pandemic they refuse to see that Obama is a disaster.

The elections mean nothing to them, no more than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can see the elections for what they were in the absolute rejection of Obama in his extremism. It is still faster pussycat kill kill, in this group believes if they just rape the American virgin harder, longer and faster, that she will like it the second time around.

These two small groups will never change, because they were voting for Obama from self hatred and self love. One must understand the projection of hatred out on George W. Bush was about liberals hating themselves and the projection of love on B. Hussein Obama was about the superiority this group felt about voting for a tan man.

Into this Barack Hussein Obama has now entered the Velcro presidente phase of his tenure. What this means is this is all too easy now, in everything said, written, thought and promoted concerning B. Hussein Obama is sticking to him. It does not matter the charge now as B. Hussein is defined by Americans who he betrayed with every gossip as this assists them in the court of their personal unanimous decisions that Obama is wrong, and when given charges that Obama is not like them, it is the judgment that Obama should be removed from office.

I study the blogger Ulsterman and Deep Tutu Rahm Emanuel as they are the liberal mind at work, who never were Obama fans, but Clinton converts, and now these liberals who talked themselves into Obama was something he never was, their et tu brute' swords are all searching for ways to cut down Obama for any reason they can grasp.
Emanuel can hide behind all of this in "for the good of the Democratic party", but this coup on B. Hussein has nothing to do with Democrats. It has everything to do with the Rockefeller patricians, who were ordered by force to throw Hillary Clinton to the side for Bill selling those Asian uranium shares out from under the Rotshchilds, and now that Mr. Obama has served his looting trillion dollar purpose and his precursor anti christ destiny, the Rothschilds and George Soros could care less what happens to Obama, as they have either Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush on the pedestal.

This is all too easy now as Obama has pariah status, and everyone is immune from the racism, bigotry and lynching charges which the Obamaniacs were waving around like nuclear bombs thinking this would protect halo head.
This blog was one of the first attacked on the bogus charges, but it kept going in the Truth and doing so afforded the other front benchers to start using terms like "Marxist", "destroyer" and "Hussein".

There is of course the danger of everything sticking to Obama that he will resemble a ghillie suit and be lost in the mayhem like Bill Clinton was in his lies. Furthermore, Americans do develop sympathy for incompetence being picked on. Like someone badgering Special Olympics children.

So while Rahm Emanuel keeps pushing the Democratic illegal campaign money dry cleaning as the Watergate to bring down B. Hussein, there are eclipse events surfacing which include the California missile cover up, which the Obama regime has been caught flat out lying over.

One must comprehend that missiles in this series come in threes. TWA Flight 800 went to the sky and brought down a plane. The California missile went to the sky and never returned as a message. That would leave missile par tres which will return to America with a message Obama or Clinton can not cover up in a radioactive New York City.

The situation which is certain in this, is everyone is playing this incorrectly in some think Obama will flee his Marxism to save hisself. Some think Obama will make war with the GOP to have an enemy to run against. Some think it is all 1994 Bill Clinton playing out again.
This blog predicted years ago that events and tides will overrun B. Hussein Obama, and the elections along with further events are doing just that.
Obama is being eclipsed and appears smaller on the world stage every day.

B. Hussein is the vanishing man and becomes more opaque in the mud sticking to him and becomes more translucent as world events become more prominent than he is.

I have stated and will repeat, the GOP leadership should mimic Obama in Soros mandates, that as Obama chose this, the Congress should simply defund Obama in not paying czar salaries, the IRS tax collection branches enforcing Obamacare etc....
Certainly pass laws which Obama has to veto to define the Marxists, but John Boehner should not afford Obama a stage in his disappearing act, as his head is already in the sand, and Americans want Obama to crawl in the hole after it.

Americans comprehend that Obama is an image of hisself. If one does not provide Obama substance he therefore is a spectre and the illusion fades.

Treat therefore B. Hussein Obama like the spoiled 10 year old brat he is, and allow him to rub it into American noses how distasteful he is, and Mr. Obama being his worst enemy will continue his self abortion procedure he has been working on his entire existence.

Barack Hussein Obama is a destroyer not a creator. He set in motion destructive events which will breed bigger stories than he is. He will not be able to control them, and therefore will be shown to be helpless.

It is impossible to succeed when Barry Soetoro desperately desires nothing more than to fail at being an el presidente, so he can be punished for being born and fulfill all his inner demons of doubt that the dork who runs like a duck is still the 50 year old boy making Special Olympics jokes, because Obama is intimidated by handicapped children who are more skilled than he is.

When the demon energy plug is pulled, all one is left with is a void with an Obama in the center in all his darkness.

Barack Hussein Obama desperately wants deep down for all of this to be ended. He wants someone else to be a real President, wants someone else to make the decisions and wants someone to just arrest him, impeach him or exile him.
Being a presidente was a fantasy of grandeur to Barry Soetoro, he never desired the reality.

He just wants to go back to Asia and why he fled to Asia, as he wants to be the boy who runs like a duck again.
