Sunday, October 9, 2011

Behind the Scenes

No one ever really shows people the production of what goes into and what is behind media, so I was moved to show you a simple 'toon in how it comes about in this facet of the blog.

If you notice as God blessed the influence of what goes on here, you are seeing some pretty splendid artwork from bloggers and media as copying takes place and the bar is raised.

Alright let us start in a few minutes on a Friday night...........

I'm reading a story about Kim Delaney, who I like as she shoots some Pennsylvania blah blah smear piece on she is nuts, when she just doesn't have a teleprompter on stage in a very messy event on some award that goes to Nelson Mandela, Bono and Robert Gates...........I just know in reading that, that I wouldn't want that damn award even with cash.

So as the CBS local report is boring me, I see the sex story of Philly cheerleader tryouts........and who does not like cheerleaders as they are like fireworks on the 4th.

I visit the page and trolls are saying how ugly the chics they would ever have a chance dating even an ugly girl as Rosey Palm is their perpetual date.

I spy though something in the corner which looks like something I can use in satire.

Grabbing the original stock, we wipe it clean, and start the process of transforming it in giving it Obama ghetto green vomit color, adding the stock Obama toon head a place, in mirroring it by cut and paste, and start the fine details.

Smoothing is done on the photo seam lines, the caption of "swindler" is add but it is necessary to give it a "stepped" font process and to cant it 10 degrees, so it is pleasing to the eye.

As you can see in about ten minutes an original art script is created exclusively for the blog by God's Inspiration. I never plan this stuff, just see things, start listening and go with the flow.

I could be pulling down half a million a year for this part of the blog alone, as it is better than everything else in media. One puts pictures up for flash and for people to focus on in visual stimulation so they can settle down and actually pay attention to the written word for a few moments before their minds start to wander.

I do not concern myself in showing people things as it is the Holy Ghost and no one can reproduce that aspect in creativity and as you can see my ad snaps while the one costing a fortune from an ad company looks about as appealing as old baby poop in a that is the color it is.

Yeah they were trying for the SUN yellow on the dark sky of Obama doom and gloom, but old baby poop just does not snap in caution yellow signs like ghetto green vomit and Obama.
One word "swindler" sells my ad while they need paragraphs to bore anal money scrooges who are still calculating the cost factors in clicking, while sneaking peeks at the Philly girls.

All ad stuff psychlogical manipulation they try so hard at and it is all so rough now. If they would hire me to direct, like at Google for their crappy art search engine for 7 figures plus bonus, I could make that snap too, but it just snaps here............even World Net Daily with Joseph Farah has that Hearst polish thing going on, but it looses in the articles. They have it in the correspondent headers in they look pretty good, but nothing snaps on the feed pages.
Does not make sense as Chelsea Schilling is hot since she got her hair straight in a makeover and her girl gang puts out at the glamcon's in Miki Malkin always looks yum, but they don't get the colors right and the goof right on the pages.

Oh well enough of that...........

.............and now you know a little bit of how when you are playing...........I'm busy playing while working.
