Saturday, October 8, 2011

I want the f*ck woman Plea Deal

Are you children going to start believing me in Jared Loughner has more going on in him than "they" want you to find out, by the way "they" keep trying to prop him up to murder him legally?

If you have missed this, let us visit John Hinkley, you know the crazy crank who shot Ronald Reagan and several others. Recall now how this loon on a mission was ushered so fast without protest to the white jacket house, and if you recall, the judge let him out to screw women not long ago as he is a nut now sane, according to liberal justice.

Ask yourself why though, that Jared Loughner who is diagnosed as insane by psychiatrists, is for some reason by the Obama courts "trying to be made sane", and when he is not found sane for trial, the judge hauls him out again for another round of sanity, and when Loughner fails that test, there is now orders to "give Loughner 4 more months of TREATMENT to make him sane enough for trial" whereby he can be put to death.

It apparently is just reality on this blog in how is it that an insane man who is insane in committing crimes, can suddenly be tried for being sane in a sanity which came over a year later, after he was insane for shooting people?

Have you ever in all legal history witnessed anything like this? An Obama judge is doing all that can be done to execute Jared why is that?

Would it not be easier to just off him like Jim McDougal assumed room temperature, or is that really the problem in Loughner has had a physical and pronounced healthy as a crazy horse and a heart attack or stroke would just send up big ass red flares.

You need to be reminded about the police reports in 9 11 calls, that a second shooter was there so rescue EMT would not enter that area.

Then there is the most interesting thing of those magic rubber bullets bouncing off of Democrats while murdering others.

It is a simple matter of doping someone with psychotic inducing drugs and pointing them in the direction of the target, as Sirhan Sirhan is sitting in prison over. Loughner appears to be a drug induced zombie, who has something locked in his mind and for most interesting Obama reasons, they want this crazy lad dead by warping laws so nuts they do not make sense.

John Hinkley gets sane and gets laid. Jared Loughner gets sane and gets laid out in a morgue............what part of this does not compute in Loughner's supposed legal counsel?

Loughner should be holding out for the sex on release deal in shooting politicians, or is this the magic bullet theory in Gabrielle Giffords at point blank range had a rubber bullet break her skull in why she survived and others who died had real lead bullets.

There are many questions this blog has exclusively asked in, did someone salt real bullets into Loughner's arsenal..........was that Loughner in reality or his BATF control, the missing second shooter?
Was this a pre mature ejaculation in Loughner was supposed to stalk Giffords, but in a few weeks when Sarah Palin came to sign books in Arizona, be unleashed on the same Bobby Kennedy mode where Lougher would be shooting those rubber loads, and the "security" would pump a few rounds into Sarah Palin, murdering her, and then finish off the crazed rubber armed gunman, to make a nice package deal..........a deal where Obama would lay the blame on Karl Rove, the Bush clique and that lovely Nicolle Wallace who is the biggest creep whore writer of the globalist brothel in smearing Sarah Palin.

Legally, he criminal justice system can not make someone sane who is insane, and then execute them. Justice can determine if someone is legally sane to stand trial, but justice can not keep making an insane person jump through hoops and dope them up, to make them "sane" enough to stand trial.

This is what America has come to. John Adams would have never stood for this kind of kangaroo court pouch, where John Hinkley for shooting Reagan gets sex and Loughner keeps being pumped full of dope to line up for lehal injection.

You will notice no one is talking about this, no more than Obama's fake birth abstract, no more than what forced Sarah Palin out of the 2012 race.

They want Jared Loughner dead.........yes Obama was going to connect this to Gunrunner for his anti gun push, but there is something more going on here, in who was the second shooter spoken of, why were those bullets bouncing off Democrats, why did Sarah Palin get fingered for this, why did Karl Rove run like a raped ape and why is everyone trying to get Jared Loughner dead in a kangaroo court sentence?

There are things locked in Jared Loughner's brain which "they" want silenced, because Jared Loughner is not going to be wanting sex in 20 years over this, because when whatever zombie serum was pumped into him originally wears off in time, he is going to start talking and fingering exactly what this is all about.

Think about it people as things do not add up here, and it is connected to why Sarah Palin was threatened out of this race.

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