Friday, October 7, 2011

Pawn Thrust

The above illustrates how like forces in equal strength are not equal when one force is placed out of position by key moves.
Grey in this has been gutted in it's center leaving the king and queen exposed from attacks by knight and bishop.

In progression, the game is now extended in gold by like elimination of key players on both sides, but in over extension, the key shift of solidification begins to return to grey.

Grey now has moved rook and bishop actually pinning gold, in grey now has two solid thrusts on the flanks against the thin line of gold's attack.

In key thrust though of taking the offensive by single pawn for pawn battle, the gold rook takes position, and grey rook retreats, thereby the original field has now shifted to advantage gold as it's original defense now becomes the stronger position.

The crippling of grey's right flank now super imposes a will upon the field as the position advancement becomes key. Grey's backfield is now in jeopardy to pawns becoming queens.

Assess the field in this, that both sides are matched with gold now only having one additional pawn, but it is a matter now of POSITION again in like opposing forces.

With the insignificant pawn thrusting into the backfield though and converting to queen, the grey must sacrifice now their rook, and while the grey side has 5 pawns to gold's 4 in sacrifice, the board is now advantage gold, as the lone rook has freedom to assassinate in clearing the board, while the original pawn defense is now proving golden in the security of the attack.

The kings now engage in battle in eliminating said pawns and the progression of pawn to queen. The pawn defense is now broken, but is allowed two moves forward, meaning gold is two moves ahead of grey in grey's pawn is two moves out from transferring to become queen in gold's backfield.

Gold clearing the field completely, takes the offensive and drives grey king to it's own backfield, and the final result is checkmate.

I make mistakes in thinking posting such things in warnings about not to be diverted by the Wall Street protest fiction, because the children comment 'It is only a chessboard" and then giggle in sexual comments.

One should not be clever with minds which do not appreciate the Inspiration. The lint in one's pocket takes a life and soon is deciding that things warned of weeks ago, is now something to be valued as the mob is flat world focused on such.

Just keep watching the girl, as they took your queen in Palin this week and you do not appreciate the jeopardy that shah mhet is in the next moves.

Do not get me wrong as I do appreciate the sex gigglers and lint pickers, because they are concentrated in large zoos and having 140 million of them, that means Mr. Obama and his caste will have to waste time, starvation rations, transportation, detention, bullets and volumes of poisons to kill these valuable commodities, and it will require more effort to dispose of them as the Nazi came to comprehend.
That attrition means that intelligent children who are not looking at the girl and not thinking the lint of their stupidly intelligent Drudge repeated posts..........that even Drudge has left behind the story as the lead, will stand a better possibility of not dying, and that cream will be available to resettle the scorched earth.

For the idiot must be told in simple terms, you are a moron and worse yet the cartels are using a pawn to destroy you in mass, as you are not of capacity to even need a rook to take America out.

A new thought for today in one appreciates those who mock in mass, as they are the fodder who the order will expend their resources on eliminating, so the just shall live by Faith.

We now return you to two week old news and where Obama is leading you to your death.


I have been warning of this in Obama's jet crossing patterns, but no one is listening. More on this when the archives publish from weeks ago.

Another Obama Sniffle