Saturday, October 8, 2011

White dick is the real Power

As this blog exclusively always points out the real trends, it is time for the cold cum slap of reality to whip a hot dick across you Obama voter's faces and for all the normal people who did not vote for Obama, and all the little suzi come lately to this party to figure out they got the power.

But first an interlude as for suzi come lately groupies.

As someone who has been doing this longer than Obama, I really detest these little ovaries who sat around on their periods letting this blog take the frag and now all of a sudden they jump in after the break out, out of the hedgerows and think they are the warriors.

Nothing like lint in my pocket telling me that we won the bronze medal and lost a leg doing it repulsing an enemy attack. Nothing like posting stupid pictures on rate me sites as their vast contribution of "investigative journalism". It always is the damn trouble in the warriors do the work, and then some suzi comes along jumping in front of the cameras taking all the credit.
Suzi you are no different than puffy lips Karl Rove and you have no idea the contempt the real workers of liberty have for you fluff on the right.

Meanwhile back at dick haven...........

You see when white chics voted for Barack Obama, they had jungle fever in not being able to compete with white men. When the white chics who in minority voted for McCain and sat on their egg sacks all silent, they were hoping Obama won to stick it to their whitey husbands who didn't bow down to them 500 more times that week.
Same with black chics, as they want white dick, but never can get it, as most black chics are in revenge they propped up tan dick Obama.
Those Jew chics who could not get white dicks........same deal in they married black dicks and wanted some validation they were not sell outs.

As for the white dicks like Rush Limbaugh who helped Obama get elected...........hell you know it is all about not being able to control women, and they were hoping that black dick would pound that pussy into line, so they could control the blondeberry.

As for black dicks..........well they were just hoping that installing Obama they would get some credit for accomplishing something instead of being failures with black chics and they really want white dicks............and when they use their black dicks to dirty up white chics, the white chics get tired of slumming with a dick attached to someone who does not know how to use it beyond a battering the white chics dump the black dick and never go back.

See 2008 was all about sex, liberals not being able to handle their bitchy women and bitchy women wanting payback to powerful white dicks.

White dick is the real power, and pricks and chics are just jealous who are on the outside looking in at white power. Sure you get all that propaganda about black power, but face it, blacks rode the white coat tails of God blessing the white people, and Lord help the world when those billion Indian, Indonesian and Chinese women all start wanting white dick, as that is like 1000 horny women for every western white dick.

You bet these Peggy Noonan types owe white dicks an apology for whoring with tan Obama. Same as Harry Smith putting Obama into power and Mark Levin keeping him there owe white dicks one hell of an apology.
A beer and a sorry just ain't going to cut this thing as America has been turned into a whorehouse in all of this and except for those few Ladies I have come across from the start of this who are pure as the driven snow in being Americans who stood against the rapine like Christine O'Donnell, the rest of these suzi come lately lint pickers are just as guilty and owe the white dicks the same apology too..........but as I said, "Sorry just don't cut it when you betrayed a white dick".

Get the point, you owe those white dicks you people, and without those white dicks you are all going to die, literally.

You might also get the point, I don't like you traitorous Obama voters, I don't like you lint pickers come lately, I don't like your being so vulva that you had to fake Obama to get off in life.

You are pathetic loosers in you betrayed the real power, destroyed a nation, and now are still so damned arrogant thinking you can fix this, and you might owe white dicks an apology.

You tramps could be on your knees for eternity, putting out free sex and serving as harem boys and girls, and you still can't make up for the betrayal as your damned tainted whores and who the hell wants that in any political bed.

You are shameful, humiliations of thee degradation of God's purpose...........and no Obama was not enough, why hell all we got is queer tv on, and here comes pedophile soap operas.

You pathetic unctions of lustful revenge, who could not handle your own worthless lives, owe white dicks more than apologies forever, because you made this soiled mess, because you couldn't stand up to a white dick and rode black, and you limp dicks thought by jacking off a black dick you then could handle these bitches who just need to be told which the f*ck end is up and to have a white dick do the thinking for them.

You go on your slow damn burn in this infuriating you Obama enablers, but that ain't going to change the fact. White dick is the real power. It always is and it always will be.
Now you got this bastard World War IV born, this bastard Obama Super Depression, this bastard feudal world in globalist natal blood.

That is what whoring does. Apologize and then just shut up and let the white dicks do the thinking as your 2008 tryst has divorced you from reality, and face it that no white dick is ever going to have anything to do with man whores and woman whores like you, as you proved you think with your genitals and don't deserve a white dick.
