Saturday, October 8, 2011

Obama's crotch Crab

On September 21st, by God's Grace at 7:20 pm eastern time or so, I caught Mark Levin, as he opened his money whore mouth about a subject which recently appeared here in the first part of October, concerning the API / Trans Canada coming rapine of America, feeding off the Obama / Buffett / Gulf Gusher rapine.
The statement was from Mr. Levin:

"They won't let them build the pipeline.......from our allies in Canada".

As a note to the threatening international oil barons of this side of the pond, this is Levin outing you and the rules are, it gets exposed whey your whores are doing pillow talk in public.

I will explain this, for those who can not read and keep asking why the problem with Levin exists, because for those who do read, they finally are receiving the information of Mockingbird in how Clear Channel and ABC were taken over by Texas oil and Bill Casey at their genesis, and they were then in turn hijacked by Prescott Bush and company to use American assets against America and for the Bush form of the New America World Order.

The pipeline we are talking about is Keystone XL, pushed by the very American sounding API, but this is about Canada oil sands, which have to operate at 100 dollars per barrel which will destroy what is left of Obama's destroyed America, and these folks who are funding Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are the ones who are as great of danger to America as Barack Hussein Obama and the Warren Buffett nation rapists.

Insane Jane Kleeb of the Obama NeoProgs of Nebraska has her own whore talk, but she does make some points which feed into this in the chatter. There are points in Mark Levin's Canada oil pipeline that it leaks all over North Dakota in gusher status.
She quotes a PHD who predicts 91 leaks in this pipeline which will travel from Canada into Texas over the interior drinking supply of pure water.

You want your water full of oil and your not able to drink it?

How about Hyperion in the massive Gorilla Project in South Dakota these people are people, being built on the Missouri River, and what would have happened in 2011 if billions of gallons of oil and cancer causing chemicals had been flooded down the Missouri through all the interior states as this blog warned of?

How's that pipeline of Mark Levin and his oil structure run by Canadian interests who don't give a damn about you sound?

Let me explain some on the ground facts about the Buffett and Hamm of Oklahoma oil pumping in North Dakota. THE LOCALS HATE IT!

Buffett, Hamm and the governments make the fortunes, while the locals get inflation, busted roads and bridges, crime through the roof, people sleeping in tents in the winter, truck convoys over a mile long at stop lights, and yes your water disappearing as they need that water to fracture the oil shale.

Landowners in Montana will not let any oil people on their land to recreate, as the oil tycoons screwed the locals out of mineral rights long ago at pennies.

What should be millionaire Americans is far and few between as this is rapine of State resources owned by the people and only the privileged few are getting more billions in their pockets.

Now let's review Mark Levin's foreign oil pipeline just like Trans Canada owns most of the oil and gas pipeline structures in North America............gee NOT AMERICAN OWNED OR CONTROLLED.

This pipeline will got to Texas and the Gulf. Insane Jane let out that this is about Canada putting oil out for CHINESE COMMUNISTS and not Americans.

Do you really want hurricanes and super tankers having Exxon Valdez incidents taking place in the Gulf of Mexico? This oil from Levin's pipeline is stated by Insane Jane going to foreigners which is not going to help America in the least.

The "American" cut is the Texas oil interests and terminals which will make fortune............Texas will be polluted with more cancer chemicals while China gets the gas and oil.

Let us just visit this for a moment again in Texas, you know Rick Perry who loves Mexican illegals and other Rovian things.

As another exclusive Rick Perry was put into the race by Trans Canada and API to punish the Bush family for installing Obama in humiliating these oil barons who had all this money invested to intall John McCain.
That is why Perry is hammering that fraud Morman Romney. Perry is a foreign oil whore just like Romney is a Mormon Rove whore working on other areas to rape America on the Obama necromania bed.

You have to get this all, and how Mark Levin exposed he is one of three things. He is either a moron. He is either a traitor to America, or, he is a moronic traitor to America as he was picked for being not too bright in a Jewish voice to spread the dogma of the oil cartel elite.

Do you remember Levin in his BIG ETHANOL? Yes exposed here in that was this Canada oil cartel talking point Levin pounded on until this blog pounded his posterior back in exposing what a lie that was.
These international greasers hate small state farmers and ranchers raising corn for ethanol, because it cuts into the oil profits, which drives oil prices down, so AT LESS THAN 100 DOLLARS A BARREL USING ETHANOL, CANADA OIL SANDS CAN NOT BE DISTILLED.

Let me take this to vanishing point now, in the Obama unions were bought off in this from twenty thousand jobs on the pipeline, to the reality of half a million new oil employees making union dues in Texas.
Stay with me as baby sister has something which by Inspiration is going to make you furious and sick to your stomach.

500,000 imported Mexican and Obama voters to they going to vote?

Oh yes, now take that times two for spouses, and four for their children and extended families..........that is 2 million votes for liberals.

You Republicans can say goodbye to ever winning another election again on a national level or passing any bills, as with Texas joining New York, and California, that is the end of America, as it is cemented in the brothel of the cartel forever.

How's that Mark Levin foreign oil pipeline treating you now Americans?

You children make up your own minds in this, but you have the reality, the projections and how Mark Levin and his entire benchers are promoting an agenda to keep gas at close to four dollars a barrel for the next decade, as that is what the Alberta Canada oil sands will pump to China.........but America will have ceased by this time.

Now I'm going to do something again in offering you a Ronald Reagan, Bill Casey, Sarah Palin way out.

You Yanks put Sarah Palin into the White House and reject this Perry tart. You put in Marco Rubio who IS a Natural Born Citizen as his parents are Cubans under American jurisdiction, and then you vote real Conservatives across the board.
YOU THEN TELL Canada to FO, and you take that Alaskan crude, as there are at least 3 different fields in Alaska which are pumping under different flow pressures, whose reserves are proven EACH larger than all of Saudi Arabia..........and you flow that oil to America at 27 dollars a barrel.

You drill that massive reserve in Utah which is larger than the Saudi fields and you start pumping all that Texas and Oklahoma fields which are again like the Saudi fields.

Add to this the massive gas fields in the east, and you have all of this regional energy powering America cheaply, and you tell the Eurasians to suck it, and let them deal with their "necessary" oil inflation to run their cartel whore economy raping America........and when that whorehouse burns down, keep America out of that world war, and with forward trading bases in England and Japan, keep America and the allies too valuable to be drawn into war.

I have expanded this into making Mexico a nation and not an Obama para military dope supply depot, but that is more in depth than this Keystone X Levin pipeline the bunker boy gushed all over the place in outing who pays his tab EXACTLY AS HE WAS OUTED HERE like all the rest of these crony capitalists.

This blog advocates American jobs, for Americans, with American energy, promoting American controlled commerce and Government. Mark Levin advocates American union slave jobs, for Mexican slaves, with Canadian energy, promoting international control of America and more whores in the American regimes.

Obama likes rolling around with Gulf sand in his crotch for JP Morgan, the European cartels in Libya............Mark Levin likes his crotch crabs with a Trans Canada itch. I told you children this is the same coin with just different sides and it is all 30 pieces of silver.

I like American control top to bottom, with nice people sleeping in moral beds loving America, and no sand in people's pants.

What do you prefer American children?

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