Saturday, December 17, 2011

Home of Job Ug

My dear Mom when I was in Bible study in order to be confirmed in one of the religions, helped me on things which always were standing in the way of my young mind.

Every Saturday evening, Mom and I would sit as I was half watching television in memorizing my Catechism or Bible verses as a child. When I was attending my two year advanced Confirmation, then it was a quick weekend memory starter, followed by a Tuesday evening grilling as Wednesday I had to travel to my Church to attend studies with a bunch of heathens.
I remember one "friend" tried to start a bully fight with me, and I simply blocked his foot as he kicked at me with my own kick. I still laugh at him as I almost broke his toe and he told everyone, "Watch out for Lame as she knows Kung Fu."

One of the things Mom helped on was the issue of we had to memorize God's Attributes, and she was Inspired to come up with an anagram, in Home of Job Ug.
Each letter in that name is an Attribute of God and I share this as all should keep that phrase in mind and ponder it as I do often enough, as it assists in a Christian's growth to always be more perfected in God.

People need to realize things though that humans are children and when Christ says to be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect, it is a statement of growing to that Spiritual perfection and takes fully into account humans not deliberately sinning, but sinning because they are children.
There is a difference between blatant sin one goes out to seek in breaking commandments, and sin which one flares up in anger at some dolt in traffic or sin in impatience with a child who always seems to be going in reverse.

Holy is an Attribute which means set apart. It does not mean perfect. It just means as God is set apart from sin, so will the Christian.

Omnipotent means almighty which God is.

Merciful, means always helpful and ready in all cases to deliver us.

Eternal, is of course the unending nature of God so we all have confidence in His Promises.

Omnipresent , means always present at all times which helps in curbing our natures in knowing God is there and that God is always there to help us.......but we should not be doing stupid things ever putting us in harms way.

Faithful, the complete state of God in fidelity to Himself, His Word, His Promise and to us in all cases.

Just, is lawful and fair. We can always count on God's fairness with us, so we should readily go to Him.

Omniscient, means infinitely Wise, a Wisdom beyond comprehension in God is always right.

Benevolent, in God is always giving, overflowing with loving kindness, always enduring in mercy and ready to give each of us the good gifts we desire.

Unchanging, in God does not change. He is the same Loving God no matter what.

Gracious, is the unearned Gift bestowed upon us by God. There is nothing we can do to earn Salvation nor His good gifts in our lives to delight us. This is just God loving us perfectly.

That is a phrase we can roll over in our minds and ponder our God and His Christ, it provides Faith and Comfort in knowing His greatness and it helps us as we know who God is growing each of us to be.
