Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Savaging God

This sex ridden blog needs to preface this in the sex given away here is for a purpose from God to expose what a whore nation America is as it likes looking at pretty things.

I have never met any of the Mockingbird funded national Judas Goats and I would not care to as it has no appeal in meeting lesser minds or those purchased by the elite for the purpose of herding. I do though hold not animosity to any of them as they have their reward now and mine is none of your business.

You will remember Miki Malkin in her czar garbage as being thee most important story and not Obama's birth abstract.....right? You remember how that story swayed all elections and how all of that just stopped Obama from all his crimes?
Of course, it was bogus and it was all to keep you from looking at the Obama usurpation of the America as the elites talking heads are there to steer you away from things in keeping Obama in power and Boehner keeping Obama policies in power.

It is why Michele Bachmann gets hammered over Muslim money influence in America, while Boehner, Cantor and McCain give Obama cover for his murderous rampages against nationalist Muslims in the Middle East.

Michelle Malkin has been richly rewarded for her post in selling her blog for millions, and her smiling face selling you lust she swears she is not interested in, in protesting photo shopped bikini pics, but she knows she is not on television, because she looks like Michelle Obama. It is all about selling something you can not have while distracting you from realizing who is stealing things from you.

I do like Michelle Malkin in persona. Nothing against her, it is just saddening to have her doing what she does, as she is one of the best talents around in presentation.

What this blog was about was Michael Savage. Now that the Colorado shootings are dying down in propaganda, it is a vantage point to explain a few things as I do not know what god Michael Savage worships, but like Solomon in knowledge, he knows nothing of Wisdom in asking why God would allow such things or blaming God for doing such things.

God should order Michael Savage to bow to Christ, sell all he has and give to the poor, live on the street and take a vow of silence, as then Michael Savage would love that type of God one is certain, as Mr. Savage desires a God Who is in control of every aspect of anyone's life instead of having them decide after spitting in God's Face in the Garden of Eden, in humanity and satan knowing how to run things better.

Mr. Savage knows God gives free will, but never seems to figure out that satan is a murderer, and he is just as much to blame as Hollywood and Obama NeoProgs for Aurora Colorado.

Ever listen to Mr. Savage in his ramped up head banger psychological nudity shock music bumps? They are designed to rip the edge off of normal people, just like Mark Levin bitching at people to get them up. Limbaugh does the same thing in solace bumps in the easy sell, and Hannity does the same in his selling the nice guy......to Ed Schultz licking the wounds of liberals in pain like a dog.

Michael Savage in program content is 10 minutes of something actually said, and then Grampa stories about the past repeated non stop, about his life as a boy in New York or how brilliant he is in having a doctorate as it is so impossible to get in being difficult in the real sciences.........must be why there are so many of them sold to people as we know how bright all that ilk is in being  money  whores.

None of this is about any of this, but yet it is, as Michael Savage is doing what he is doing as #2 as a balance to Limbaugh failing #1 as more and more people turn from the main Mockingbird as it evolves into Dace, Cunningham and Fergeson, all being nice guys like Laura Ingraham, but doing so with a bit more Christ as they have to get that audience under control too.

Savage in marketing has carved out the niche of the fringe who espouse things which are real in Obama being a fraud, but Savage just can not like Mark Levin believe his Ashkenaz brothers are the ones ruining America. Yes blame white guy Obama, but let us not blame those Asian Ashkenaz for funding all of this.

Pride, prejudice, bias and just a little Truth mixed in to deceive the masses as it is easier to slip people up with the Truth than with lies. Is how satan does things and what it attempted with Christ.

I would prefer for these Godless dupes to have God do the thinking for them,  but the reality is God does not want dupes He has to figure things out for them in Heaven any more than I do in having worked for the Grace.

I feel bad for Michelle Malkin in she sold her identity for millions in her blog, and now is trying with all her might to get that stage back as she is having problems dealing with it......because her identity rests not in God completely.

I tempt the elite to purchase this blog to shut me up, as they will not fork over the cash to buy  my prejudice. I though could care less about this platform if bought, because this is not me. I can talk to myself the way I always have in venting Prophetic things as I'm practiced at it, and knowing things is the power and not having to tell people who will not listen in the first place.

Evil happens in the world, because it is what is sown by satan's minions. Aurora happened because America got rid of Jesus the Christ. Aurora happened because of messiah Obama and his socialist communist dehumnization of people from aborticide, daycare, nursing homes, colleges, schools and all this screaming allowed by laws which make criminals out of people who would sock the idiots in the mouth, and the idiots know it, so they just keep on raising the level and out pops the Joker to balance things.

My equalizer is God. He leaves no tracks in vengeance. He also treats me badly most of the time, but that is God's doing in what He is doing with me. I do not have to like it and do not. It is simply a matter of waiting for a time when I will remember none of this any more as Isaiah Prophesies.

So Miki Malkin has a free newsletter which is not free as it is selling something, and it markets as she intends, but why should it not all be free as she has millions of dollars and unless one is going to buy some television station or sports team, with bills paid, one can really live on a few million dollars in solitude while tending the cabbages or petting the kitty.

I personally would like nothing more than being away from all of this. Living the Life with the One I Love and free from this noise. I have proven I could do it. It has been done, I warned those who would listen and my identity is not housed here nor do I care for the adoration of the stage, as Jesus warned of such things in knowing the hearts of people.

Having accomplished things and still needing more fuel for that fire, means things are missing that will never be filled without God in Christ. To me it would be hell to be pinned down like Michael Savage daily on radio or being Michelle Malkin always waiting for the on air light to perform.

This blog is the best in all fields period. God is given the credit so there is no ego involved by me.

Just do not know why Michelle Malkin things slate blue green is attractive.
